Roundtable with IDEO’s Ryan Jacoby: Business Design

Software Product Management Meetup (NYC)
22-23 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US
10.0 USD

We’re excited to have strategist, consultant, and speaker Ryan Jacoby from IDEO ( speak with us on Business Design! Business Design is a unique way of thinking and talking about many of the areas product managers (sometimes) oversee and always need to be aware of.

This event will be a roundtable format which means it’ll be an open discussion among all of us with Ryan providing expertise and discussion leadership.

Ryan Jacoby ( helps lead IDEO’s New York location and he leads the firm’s Business Design discipline globally.

Ryan is passionate about designing new experiences for users and growth businesses with his clients. While at IDEO he has led and worked on a broad array of projects in the areas of consumer experience, product design, retail strategy, and brand strategy in industries such as retail, financial services, food and beverage, sporting goods, electronic gaming, and consumer products.

Ryan is a frequent speaker and writer on the topics of growth and innovation. Recently he has co-authored two pieces on these topics: “Embracing Risk to Learn, Grow and Innovate” in the Design Management Review and “Embracing Risk to Learn, Grow and Innovate” (Rotman Magazine). You can follow him via his blog do_matic at

Check out his bio for links and additional information

Agenda: 6:00-6:20meet and greet 6:20-6:30introductions 6:30-7:45roundtable discussion 7:45-7:50close up

See you at the event!

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