Health 2.0 STAT! - featuring rapid fire presentations from Health 2.0 experts

MD Web 2.0 & New Media
10-11 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Silver Spring, US

Come join us on the evening of November 10th to hear from several local Health 2.0 experts.

Health2.0 STAT! will feature a rapid-fire series of presentations from local Health 2.0 experts, followed by a panel style Q&A session. This event will emphasize the presentation of case studies and real world examples that highlight innovative use and results associated with implementing web 2.0 tools in the health domain.

We are looking to add speakers - let us know if you are interested. The DC Health 2.0 Meetup group has put out a call to identify presenters for our next event. We are looking to identify 6-8 speakers and each will be given no more than 5 minutes to complete a presentation that highlights their experiences and lessons learned from implementing innovative Health 2.0 technologies and solutions. All speakers will participate in a panel style Q&A session upon completion of all the presentations. We will be announcing the full list of speakers by October 23rd.

If you are interested in speaking, please review details located on the meetup site at

This meetup will be held in a private back room at Jackie’s restaurant in downtown Silver Spring. This is a short walk from the Silver Spring metro on the red line and there is plenty of parking. As always, I want to make sure to thanks our sponsors, Aquilent and Palladian Partners. Thanks to their support, we now have a bigger and better space and are able to offer some great appetizers and beverages for all that attend the meetup.

Please forward this request for presenters to any colleagues that you think may have an interest in speaking at this event. You can also follow our progress on twitter @DCHealth2_0

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