Want to know more about Redis? Now's your chance!

The San Francisco MySQL Meetup Group
Fri, 12 Feb 2010, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Ezra Zygmuntowicz will come and speak to us all about Redis.

Redis: a data structure server

Redis is a key value store with a twist, keys and values can be
strings but values can also be lists, sets and sorted sets. This
allows for a much higher level of control when thinking about laying
out your data compared to other key value stores. Redis has many use
cases that can help you scale our your web applications. Redis stands
for REmote DIctionary Server and also stands for REDISstribute your
load. We will explore the many use cases for redis, especially looking
at how using redis along side of mysql can help you scale your mysql
setup by taking load for stats and leaderboard type data in redis
rather then in mysql.

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“The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.” - Robert R. Coveyou