Bon Temps! TrueBlood Party!

Awesome People Meetup
Sun, 4 Apr 2010, 00:30 - 02:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Spring, US

Along with the Vampire Book club this is a meeting/party to discuss the The Southern Vampire Mysteries and True Blood the HBO TV Show. The differences, similarities and to just revel in the Awesomeness that is TrueBlood!
The 1st two books are the first two seasons of True Blood!

1.Dead Until Dark
2.Living Dead in Dallas
By Charlaine Harris,

You should read the books and see the show if possible, but really this is a TrueBlood themed party! If you enjoy the show or books come party Bon Temps style! There will be discussions about the books vs. the show (the books are awesome, and don't ruin the show at all b/c they are different enough, but not different enough to make you mad, lol)

Feel free to dress as your favorite character, or be a random AVL member, Fellowship Follower, or Merlotte's waitress!

This is a potluck, so bring something to munch on. (Maxine Fortenbury's famous banana pudding , vampire bite martini ingredients, old Mrs. Belfleur's famous Chocolate cake, something fun and yummy ETC. :) )

Any questions can be sent to the very awesome Sophia or me! Hope to see ya soon!

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