Horror Remix: Dummy (Free!)

Awesome People Meetup
Thu, 17 Jun 2010, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Alamo Drafthouse West Oaks , Houston, US

If you're a fan of bad horror films, then you've wasted a lot of your life. You've sat through lame red herrings, endless chase scenes, shower scenes with NO nudity (it happens more than you think) and all the talking and talking and talking...

Horror Remix is taking a bad horror film, cutting out all the filler and condensing the central plot, gore, cheese and nudity into approx. 30-40 minutes per feature. It’s all killer, no filler!

Black Devil Doll From Hell (1984)
Ghosthouse (1988)
Trilogy Of Terror: Amelia (1975)
Pin (1988)

So, bring your friends and GET THERE EARLY! And don’t forget, lots of fun extras, shorts and your puppet MCs, Cheesecake and Thunderclap

Admission for the event is FREE! For more info go to http://www.drafthouse...

I'll have my phone turned on until the previews start, you can call or text me at 832-292-3070.

Alamo Drafthouse serves food and alcohol, arrive a little early so you can place orders while the lights are still on. And best of all, the movie is absolutely free!

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