Developer community in Asia
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Indian Perl Mongers
Bangalore, , India
This group is to meet perl developers,open source contributors and plan for YAPC::India
Digital Humanities Israel
Jerusalem, , Israel
The Digital Humanities Israel is an initiative for the promotion of digital humanities in Israel, with the vision to become a local node in the vast and growing network of the Digital Humanities.
Singapore Ruby Group
Singapore, , Singapore
A group of programmers and engineers with a love for Ruby and or Rails. Building & shipping is how we roll.
Mongo Dilli
Delhi, , India
MongoDB user group and community for users, enthusiasts and hackers from New Delhi, Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and the greater NCR region. Subscribe now and join in for meet ups, beer bashes and hackathons.
Java & JVM, Tel Aviv (JJTV)
Tel Aviv-Yafo, , Israel
A community of people wanting to learn and teach about Java and Java-related technologies.We are focused around real world, "no bullshit" solutions and tools. We organize "Tools Nights" where community members give short, focused talks about various tools & tech.See also -!forum/jjtv -
TDD Israel
Tel Aviv-Yafo, , Israel
This group will focus on advanced topics in Test Driven Development and Design, from the vantage point of seasoned software engineers and real-life scenarios they have encountered over the years.Although we deal with TDD, many of us do not necessarily adhere to the "test-first" aspect of TDD. Instead, we focus more on how making your code testable affect your engineering and the way you approach new design tasks.
Delhi/NCR Selenium Meetup Group
Gurgaon, , India
We are a group of testing geeks who are determined to be at the forefront of advances in Selenium Project.We would like to be at the cutting edge of developments in testing related technologies, discuss problems and seek solutions when using Selenium and contribute to the Selenium Project.All testers dedicated to making use of technology esp. Selenium to improve testability of products are welcome to join.We vow to meet at a minimum each month.
Hyderabad Java User Group
Hyderabad, , India
This group is for Java professionals who would like to network and attend events with industry leading speakers. We meet monthly and cover the latest advances in the Java platform, including Enterprise Java development, Agile development practices, and open-source frameworks.
Node.js Dilli
Delhi, , India
Community for Node.js hackers and enthusiasts in and around New Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and the greater NCR.Who should join?* Node.js and JavaScript programmers, enthusiasts and hackers* Technologists interested in event based I/O* Start-ups / organisations evaluating Node.js and related technologiesWhat to expect?Monthly meet-ups, hackathons, demos, sessions, beer.
Hyderabad Hadoop User Group
Hyderabad, , India
HUG Hyderabad helps Hadoop technologists / enthusiasts / business people to discuss/share Hadoop & related software technologies (HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, PIG, etc). You can learn the real use cases of Hadoop, learn new features and tools, seek professional advise for any real Hadoop problems and also helps in networking with other Hadoop Professionals. Who should join?Any IT professionals working on Hadoop Technologies.
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New members in Asia
Kishore Biswal joined 3 hours ago
Praveen Kumar joined 2 days ago
SONAM RAWAT joined 2 days ago
Shyam Singh joined 2 days ago
Latest discussion Asia
nested xml read and write in
7 years ago by trafeeque (0 replies)
Problem in creating numeric textbox (.Net 4.0 - Winforms).
8 years ago by priyamtheone (0 replies)
Call Texbox column on a datagridview
8 years ago by sbuhay (0 replies)
problem with latebinding
8 years ago by 001imahaveer (0 replies)
Should URS mention Font Size
9 years ago by kunjan_link (0 replies)
Changing default value of a property of a control (DataGridView).
9 years ago by priyamtheone (0 replies)
Excel rows removal, if not bewteen two given dates.
9 years ago by ptjohn1980 (0 replies)