Developer community in Sweden
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Got UX
Göteborg, , Sweden
A group for people who create user experiences on the web and mobile. Designers, developers, everyone is welcome.
ACCU Gothenburg
Göteborg, , Sweden
ACCU is an organisation of programmers who care about professionalism in programming and are dedicated to raising the standard of programming. Find out more at ACCU membership is encouraged but not required to join this group and our meet ups.
Stockholm Software Craftsmanship
Stockholm, , Sweden
A Software Craftsmanship community for all interested to join, participate and share.The Manifesto for Software CraftsmanshipAs aspiring Software Craftsmen we are raising the bar of professional software development by practicing it and helping others learn the craft. Through this work we have come to value:Not only working software, but also well-crafted software Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value
DevOps Stockholm
Stockholm, , Sweden
During the last decade we have seen lots of improvement in the software development domain, but very little regarding how to put systems into production and maintain them. The recent DevOps movement is about changing that - making software development and software delivery/production a continuous and cross discipline process.
Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
Stockholm, , Sweden
Millions of users listen to Spotify's streaming music service world wide. Behind the scenes is a world class technology organization that innovates hard to make the music easy. This Meetup is devoted to exploring how Spotify's technology stack works and to the hackers who use Spotify's APIs. We'll get together to meet both Spotify engineers and business leaders and anyone who takes the time to do something cool with Spotify's APIs.
Agile In Offshore Sweden
Stockholm, , Sweden
This group is for anyone who is interested in Agile and Offshoring. What works and what doesn't, exchange of experiences, and a forum for New thinking on the matter.
The Rich Application Development Interest Group
Stockholm, , Sweden
T.R.A.D.I.G är en grupp för oss utveckalre som brinner för rika applikationer, oavsett vilken teknik som används för att bygga dem!
Stockholm, , Sweden
sthlm.js is started because the lack of a JavaScript user group in Stockholm. This groups intent is to share experiences among js developers and explore topics of interest. It could perhaps be Coffeescript, Jasmine-testing, node.js, thisawesomethingnobodyheardof.js etc etc. If you think js actually has a future, you should definitely come to a meetup!
Stockholm Escenic Developers
Stockholm, , Sweden
Erfarenhetsutbyte kring Escenic Web Content Management System.
Malmö Ruby User Group
Malmö, , Sweden
Låt oss träffas och diskutera ruby rails, sinatra och allt annat som hör därtill. Kanske vi till och med snubblar in på något annat språk också som inspiration. Alla som är det minsta intresserade av ruby i Malmö med omnejd är välkomna. Då SHRUG i Stockholm har funnits ett bra tag utan någon liknande grupp i Malmö så tyckte jag att det var dags.
New members in Sweden
Omar KN joined 5 months ago
Erik Sten joined 5 months ago
Sandeep Neelam joined 6 months ago
Andreas Sundgren joined 7 months ago
Latest discussion Sweden
Oracle 10 - Web service
16 hours ago by markisun35 (2 replies)
Windows Service, getting outOf memory exception
1 year ago by programmerdude2341 (3 replies)
jquery ui dialog inside repeater
11 years ago by milence (0 replies)
Simple Error, but what have i missed.
12 years ago by Alcstudio (0 replies)
UrlRewriting - How should i do
12 years ago by alohamora (1 replies)
Passing textBox in function from javascript
12 years ago by Slicksim (7 replies)
how do i fill out a table in a word document using VB6?
12 years ago by Jugatsu (1 replies)