Hanselminutes: Practical Rest with Sebastien Lambla
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h30m
Scott talks to Sebastien Lambla, author of OpenWrap and OpenRasta, to get his thoughts about REST. Why are people so passionate about their Web Services? Should creators of Web Services be required to understand the Web, or is it OK to abstract things away?
Ubuntu UK Podcast: S06E07 – A Fistful of Ubuntu
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h28m
Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore and Laura Cowen return for the seventh episode of Season (Series) Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We take a look at what’s been happening in the News: Google are forking WebKit… Mozilla have started a research project t.
.NET Rocks: Anthony van der Hoorn and Nik Molnar Take a Glimpse
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h52m
Carl and Richard talk to Anthony van der Hoorn and Nik Molnar about their open source project called Glimpse. Glimpse provides instrumentation for the server and client side components of your web app, displaying it in a tabular format at the bottom of your browser. Anthony and Nik discuss the ex.
Herding Code: Herding Code 163: Sticker Tales and Building Windows Store apps with Damien Guard and Robert Sweeney
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h28m
This week on Herding Code, the guys talk Damien Guard and Robert Sweeney about Sticker Tales (a Windows Store application for kids), some challenges in building touch applications for kids, their CSharpAnalytics open source library, and a companion app they built for Western Digital. Download / L.
.NET Rocks: Justin Beckwith Releases Web Matrix 3
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h46m
Carl and Richard talk to Justin Beckwith about the recently released Web Matrix 3. Justin talks about the vision of keeping web development simple while still having access to all the latest features of the web. And yes, sites built with Web Matrix can be worked on with Visual Studio as well! The.
Java Posse: "Dickless"
“Dickless”Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at http://javaposse.com *Interfaces, classes, and API design Blog: http://graphics-geek.blogspot.com/2013/03/for-api-nerds-interfaces-and-inner.html Default Methods: http://www.techempower.com/blog/2013/03/26/everythin.
Radio TFS: VS 2012 Update 2
This week we take a look at Update 2 for VS 2012. For feedback contact [email protected], call +1 425 233-8379 or visit http://www.radiotfs.com
IBM developerWorks: TWOdW: Big Data, Linked Data, DB2 Backup, and MQ Topologies
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h4m
This Week on developerWorks has a new home page at: http://ibm.com/developerworks/blog/twodw Barb Wetmore introduces the new Big Data zone: http://ibm.com/developerworks/bigdata Linked Data Interfaces by Arthur Ryman http://ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/linked-data-oslc-resource-shapes
Hanselminutes: PhoneGap/Cordova - Is HTML a reasonable app solution? With Steve Sanderson
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h32m
Steve Sanderson schools Scott on PhoneGap/Cordova. We explore the concepts and ask: is HTML a reasonable app solution? What kinds of apps lend themselves to HTML and JavaScript? What backend services are needed to support these apps?
Ubuntu UK Podcast: S06E06 – One Hour Ubuntu
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h33m
We’re here with cake and an interview. We’re Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and The Podcats. We’re here in Studio A for the sixth episode of Season (Series) Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We interview Benjamin Kerensa about OpenPhoto. We share some.
.NET Rocks: David Pitcher Instruments Applications Internally at Microsoft
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h52m
Carl and Richard talk to David Pitcher, part of Microsoft's internal IT team, about his experiences instrumenting applications. The conversation digs into the application in question, a Windows Phone app for allowing tech support personnel manage tech support problems on the go. Then David discus.
.NET Rocks: Amir Rajan Does Frictionless Development with Oak
Carl and Richard talk to Amir Rajan about his Oak project on GitHub. Amir discusses his approach to building Single Page Applications (SPA) using an array of open source tools including Rake (from the Ruby stack), nSpec, Canopy, Growl and more. The conversation digs into how C# fits into the equa.
SharePoint Pod Show: SharePoint 2013 Branding with Randy Drisgill and John Ross
Published 7 years ago, running time 1h2m
In episode 79 of the SharePoint Pod Show, Rob, Nick, and Brett catch up with Randy Disgill and John Ross to talk about all things branding in SharePoint 2013.Click here to download the show!
FeatherCast: Sam Bisbee, CouchDB
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h12m
An interview with Sam Bisbee, of the CouchDB community.
FeatherCast: Roman Shaposhnik, Hadoop
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h11m
An interview with Roman Shaposhnik, of the Hadoop community.
FeatherCast: John Mertic – SugarCRM
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h11m
An interview with John Mertic, the community manager at SugarCRM.
Hanselminutes: VsVim: Visual Studio and Vim with Jared Parsons
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h33m
An unholy alliance or a wonderful combination? Jared Parsons has created what he thinks may be the best of both worlds. VsVim combines the speed and familiarity of Vim with the power and development power of Visual Studio. How did it do it, and why?
Ubuntu UK Podcast: S06E05 – The Good, The Bad and the Ubuntu
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h29m
We’re back! More cake. More chat. We’re Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and The Podcats. We’re here in Studio A for the fifth episode of Season (Series) Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We take a look at what’s been happening in the News: The
.NET Rocks: Carl and Richard Geek Out on GeoThermal Power
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h39m
Carl and Richard are geeking out again, this time about geothermal energy. The conversation starts out focusing on household geothermal heating, which is really a form of heat pump technology. After that, the boys dig into the hard stuff - geothermal energy. After talking through the various tech.
Stack Overflow Podcast: Podcast #46 – The Podcast That Sounds Dirty But Isn’t
Published 7 years ago, running time 0h51m
Our guest this week (after she joins a bit late) is Zuly Gonzalez – Stack Exchange moderator and power user. As usual, we also have David Fullerton, Jay Hanlon, Joel Spolsky and (Fake) Producer Alex! Things are a mess over here, not just because we have to remember to stop masticating long enoug.
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