Facing problem with Enum while mirgating from Vc 6.0 to Vc 8.0

Cpp , VC 6.0 , Vc 8.0 Delhi, India
  • 10 years ago

    Hi Experts

    I am migrating one project from Vc 6.0 to Vc 8.0. I found one compilation Error regarding Enum.

    In Vc 6.0 they have declared an enum in a class and again the same enum they are using in other class with scope resolution and have changed the enum value. It is compiling fine on Vc 6.0 but throwing an error while compiling in Vc 8.0.

    Example code.

    class CTest { public: enum TestEnum {NA=0, First}; };

    class CTest1 { public: enum CTest::TestEnum {Second, Third};


    It is working fine in Vc 6.0 but throwing error in Vc 8.0 Error is:- error C2911: 'CTest::TestEnum' : cannot be declared or defined in the current scope

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