Question on reading .csv files and drawing a chart - Live Feed

MQL4 , .csv , live feed , database , charting South Africa
  • 10 years ago


    I am still a beginner to the whole visual studio programming , my speciality is in MQL4 coding.

    I would just like to know if anyone can help me with a project I am doing that involves a form reading a .csv file and drawing a chart based on the data that it recieves.

    The problem is that this data is being written to the .csv file by software that I have written to write market (forex) price data to the .csv file.

    Now this is being done every 1 to 5 seconds , My problem is that I need the data being read by the form should be live updating and always showing the last input from the market.

    Thanks so much I really have no idea where to start on this one.

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