Hello all,
I have two tables, one list an items main information, and the other table holds all of the actions for those items (creation date, closed date, etc....)
Here is how the tables are structured....
--------- -------------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------
ID0001 01 ID00001 99 00:01
ID0002 07 ID00001 85 00:05
ID0003 08 ID00001 84 00:04
ID0004 01 ID00002 99 00:01
ID0005 07 ID00002 85 00:05
ID0006 08 ID00002 77 00:04
etc... etc...
As you can see, the actions table is structured to create a record with the main id everytime an action is performed on it.
What I would like to do is create a query that would only show ID's that don't have a certain action. For instance, I would like to show all ID's that never had an actiontype of "77". This means that ID00001 should be the only item shown in my results. Currently if i use ...."WHERE ACTIONTYPE <> '77'", both ID00001 and ID00002 will show up in the results because there are plenty of other records with different action types. Can anyone assist me?
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