i think there is a problem with my code below....it insert the data more than 1 record (data redundancy) in the server database....i think there is a problem at the place i highlight with red....
can any1 assist me on this....
[CODE] If Not UpdateServerPOS() Then
End If[/CODE]
[CODE]Public Function UpdateServerPOS() As Boolean
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
Dim strSQL As String = ""
Dim strSQL1 As String = ""
Dim connStr As String
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim cmdSerialNo, cmdPayment As SqlCommand
Dim strSerialNo As String = "1"
Dim drSerialNo As SqlDataReader
Dim cmdTmp As SqlCommand
Dim strPosID As String
Dim strLoc As String
Dim dr3 As SqlDataReader
Dim myCommand1 As SqlCommand
UpdateServerPOS = False
myConnection = GetConnect("REMOTE")
If myConnection.State = 0 Then
End If
' Get LatestTransactionNo from Parameter table
' Get SerialNo
sSQL = "SELECT MAX(SerialNo) FROM PaymentDetails WHERE BoothID=" & _clsDBHelper.mQuotedStr(BoothNo)
cmdSerialNo = POSconn.CreateCommand
cmdSerialNo.CommandText = sSQL
drSerialNo = cmdSerialNo.ExecuteReader
If drSerialNo.HasRows Then
' Get SerialNo
If Not drSerialNo.IsDBNull(0) Then ' old transaction exist
strSerialNo = drSerialNo(0) + 1
Else ' new transaction
strSerialNo = 1
End If
End If
CurrentTranxDateTime = Now
CurrentTranxDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
CurrentTranxTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")
BoothNo = BoothNo
StoreCity = StoreCity
ostrTransactionNo = TransactionNo
ostrSerialNo = strSerialNo
oCurrentTranxDateTime = CurrentTranxDateTime
oCurrentTranxDate = CurrentTranxDate
oCurrentTranxTime = CurrentTranxTime
oPOSTransCode = POSTransCode
strSQL1 = "select POSID, BoothLocation from tblBoothMapping where BoothID = '" & BoothNo & "'"
myCommand1 = New SqlCommand(strSQL1, myConnection)
dr3 = myCommand1.ExecuteReader()
If dr3.Read Then
If Not dr3.IsDBNull(0) Then
strPosID = dr3("POSID")
strLoc = dr3("BoothLocation")
End If
End If
strSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo.PaymentDetails ([BoothID],[BoothLocation],[TransactionNo],[SerialNo],[TransactionDateTime],[TransactionDate],[TransactionTime],[TransactionCode],[AgencyCode],[AgencyName],[AccountNo],[BillNo],[BillAmount],[PaidAmount],[Remark]) " _
& "VALUES ('" & strPosID & "','" & strLoc & "'," & TransactionNo & "," & strSerialNo & ",'" & CurrentTranxDateTime & "','" & CurrentTranxDate & "','" & CurrentTranxTime & "','" & POSTransCode & "','" & SESSIONAGENCYCODE & "','" & SESSIONAGENCYNAME & "','" & SESSIONAGENCYACCNO & "','" & SESSIONAGENCYBILLNO & "','" & SESSIONAGENCYBILLAMO & "','" & PaymentToPOS & "','" & BoothNo & strLoc & "')"
'& "SELECT DISTINCT [BoothID],[BoothLocation]," _
'& "[TransactionNo],[SerialNo],[TransactionDateTime], " _
'& "[TransactionDate],[TransactionTime],[TransactionCode]," _
'& "[AgencyCode],[AgencyName
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