populate data from mysql union query by using dataset (VB.NET)

Dataset , MySQL , VB.NET , UNION Sungai Ara, Malaysia
  • 9 years ago

    Hi all,

    Hi all, I'm using MySQL and VB.NET. I was unable to output the dataset value as it always return with empty value but i can get the value by using mysql console. I'm using the below query and codes:

    Dim strSQL as string
    Dim objRS As DataSet
    Dim objConn As MySqlConnection
    objDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter
    strSQL = "SELECT MAX(memberID) as max_member_id FROM ((SELECT memberID FROM A) UNION (SELECT memberID FROM B))";
    objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New MySqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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