hexadecimal is base16, whereas 'decimal' is base10...
so to convert between the two, just switch bases...
i.e., one way (longer way) is to do this:
Hex #'s go from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
A-F = 10 - 15
So if you have a number like:
08CA, then it is
To convert a decimal number from decimal to hex,
you divide by the largest power,and then carry over
the remainder with smaller powers.
I.e., so 2250/256= 8 + 202 as a remainder
202/16=12 + 10 as a remainder
10/1 (16^0) = 10 + 0 as a remainder...
so you now have 8,12,10... you now convert to
the hex numbering system, and you have "8CA"...!
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