A New Hosta photo site

  • 16 years ago

    Dear friends,

    If you are interested in Hostas,on http://www.hostacollectie.be you can see the first results of my own Hosta photo site. In the future I will frequently update the site with more and more photos.So I make a Hostaencyclopaedia for everyone who's interested in.This is not a commercial site.Just information that I want to share with you.I hope you enjoy it.
    Friendly regards,
    Danny Van Eechaute

  • 16 years ago

    Dear friends,

    Now the Hostas are back in leaf, I started again with new photo updates on my site http://www.hostacollectie.be ( under the button ' Updates' )
    In the first photo-update from this year you can see photo's from H.Lottie Da, H.Purple Haze, H.Gummy Bear, H.Twilight Zone, H.Lakeside Zing Zang, H.Seth Becker, H.Yoshinogawa,H.Paradise on Fire, and many more...
    I hope you enjoy it.
    Friendly regards,
    Danny Van Eechaute

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