problem on drawer kick want somebody help me. im using visual
basic 6 and using printer TM-U220.
Print #1, "chr(27) + chr(112) + chr(49) + Chr(49) + Chr(48) + Chr(48)"
Printer.Print "chr(27)+ chr(112) + chr(49) + Chr(49) + Chr(48) + Chr(48)"
Printer.Print "&%H1B&%D1"
Printer.Print KeyAscii = 27 & KeyAscii = 112 & KeyAscii = 48 & KeyAscii = 48 & KeyAscii = 49 & KeyAscii
= 49
Printer.Print Chr(27) + " " + Chr(112) + " " + Chr(48) + " " + Chr(48) + " " + Chr(49) + " " + Chr(49)
Close #1
Please I need your HELP.......
Thank You In Advance
mhel -
15 years agoby webjose
Jose Pablo Ramirez Vargas
Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 19 years agoIn your post you state you have a problem, but there is no mention of it. What is the problem you are having? Is the drawer not opening? Are you getting syntax errors, or runtime errors? If so, please post them. -
15 years agoby [email protected]
Roberto Salazar
San Jose, Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 15 years agoA primera vista el problema que tenes es que la serie ASCII para abrir la gaveta es:
PRINT #1, chr$(27);chr$(112);chr$(0);chr$(48);
PRINT #1, chr$(27);chr$(112);chr$(1);chr$(49);
Como ves son dos lines y no una
I tried your code
using visual basic 6 with printer EPSON TM-U220
Open "COM3" For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0); Chr$(48);"
Print #1, "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(1); Chr$(49);"
Close #1
No error display but still the drawer doesn't open
Please I need your help (Im stuck with this problem)
Mhel Manuel -
To Webjose,
Sorry not to mention the problem.
The Problem Is I Cant Open My Cash Drawer using EPSON TM-U220 with rj-11 connection
Im using visual basic 6 with printer EPSON TM-U220 with rj-11 connection
I tried this code
using visual basic 6 with printer EPSON TM-U220 with r-j 11 connection
Open "COM3" For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0); Chr$(48);"
Print #1, "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(1); Chr$(49);"
Close #1
No error display but still the drawer doesn't open
Also try this one :
Printer.Print "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0); Chr$(48);"
Printer.Print "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(1); Chr$(49);"
No error display but still the drawer doesn't open
Please Help
thanks .......
Mhel Manuel -
I'll try to edit your code you sent to me.
change it with this one:
Printer.Print "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0); Chr$(48);"
Printer.Print "Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(1); Chr$(49);"
with this kind of code in visual basic 6 using printer EPSON TM-U220.
No error were receive but still the drawer did not open...
I dont know what is the problem.
Please Somebody Help Me Please
I Really stuck on this problem
Mhel Manuel -
15 years agoby webjose
Jose Pablo Ramirez Vargas
Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 19 years agoAssuming you have the correct data on how to open the drawer, try it like this:
Code: Dim iFile as Integer
Dim arrbData() as Byte
iFile = FreeFile
Open "COM3" For Binary Access Write As #iFile
ReDim arrbData(1 To 4)
arrbData(1) = &H1B '27 in hexadecimal
arrbData(2) = &H70 '112 in hexadecimal
arrbData(3) = &H0 '0 in hexadecimal
arrbData(4) = &H30 '48 in hexadecimal
Put #iFile, , arrbData
arrbData(3) = &H1
arrbData(4) = &H31
Put #iFile, , arrbData
Close #iFile
Try it out; it is the binary equivalent of what you are trying to do. -
15 years agoby [email protected]
Roberto Salazar
San Jose, Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 15 years agoYo apenas estoy empezando a programar en visual, pero al momento de dar el PRINT #1, "CHR----" me parece que al encerrarlo en comillas estas mandando una literal y no se ejecuta la conversion ASCII
Hi Webjose,
I'll try your code youve given. But still the drawer doesnt open with no error message. I Dont know what's
wrong with this. Please send me another sample to make this work im really stuck in this problem for one
week now.
Thanks in advance and may God bless you abundantly for setting aside your time to assist me.
Mhel Manuel -
15 years agoby webjose
Jose Pablo Ramirez Vargas
Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 19 years agoAre you certain those codes open the drawer? Are those the codes specified by the drawer vendor in the drawer's manual? The code I've given should have worked ok to the best of my knowledge. -
To Webjose,
I dont know but this is the code specified by the drawer vendor.
This code worked with visual foxpro but if i try it to visual basic 6, it doesnt open the drawer
Printer.Print Chr(27); Chr(112); Chr(48); Chr(48); Chr(49); Chr(49);
Printer.Print Chr(27) + " " + Chr(112) + " " + Chr(48) + " " + Chr(48) + " " + Chr(49) + " " + Chr(49)
Please Help....
Mhel Manuel -
15 years agoby webjose
Jose Pablo Ramirez Vargas
Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 19 years agoI do not know Fox Pro, but if we are trying to open a drawer, why in the world are we printing chars to a printer?? In other words, how is it possible that printing some characters in a printer will make the drawer open? That could only be if the drawer were programmed to somehow monitor the default printer, and to automatically open when those chars are printed, in which case my efforts are useless.
I'm confused. -
15 years agoby [email protected]
Roberto Salazar
San Jose, Costa Rica, United StatesJoined 15 years agoYes I.m sure, I use it to oprn drawer on epson tm printers
To: Webjose
Maybe there something wrong with my printer. I try to used another set of printer. I'll inform you whatever
will be the problem. Thanks
Mhel Manuel -
To: Technodata
Maybe there something wrong with my printer. I try to used another set of printer. I'll inform you whatever
will be the problem. Thanks
Mhel Manuel -
I have same problem with open cash drawer which have RJ 11 port connect to printer Posiflex PP5600.
I have try that peripheral and it work with Visual foxpro and clipper. But it can not work with visual basic. Any bady have some Idea ? What's the code to open cash drawer connect to printer ?
Please Help me -
I have no idea yet. right now i'm still working on it. if you have an idea please share it with me.
Mhel Manuel -
Please Try This Code
Open "LPT1" For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0); Chr$(25); Chr$(250); "A"
Close #1
Please Tell me, is that work ?
Do you have code for customer display? I want to make running message on my customers display.
Thx -
Hello I am Torsten Schmitz from Overath Germany,
the Problem is solved by taking this Visual Basic 6 Code:
Attention: If it doesnt work with LPT1 (Parallelport) then take Com1 (Com2-Comx) for serial ports
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim arrbData() As Byte
iFile = FreeFile
Open "LPT1" For Binary Access Write As #iFile
ReDim arrbData(1 To 4)
arrbData(1) = &H1B '27 in hexadecimal
arrbData(2) = &H70 '112 in hexadecimal
arrbData(3) = &H0 '0 in hexadecimal
arrbData(4) = &H30 '48 in hexadecimal
Put #iFile, , arrbData
arrbData(3) = &H1
arrbData(4) = &H31
Put #iFile, , arrbData
Close #iFile
Exit Sub
I hope i could help you - had the same problems
by Torsten Schmitz
schmitzIT Salonmanagement
51491 Overath, Germany
after edit:
this works too:
Open "LPT1" For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, Chr$(27) + Chr$(112) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(48)
Print #1, Chr$(27) + Chr$(112) + Chr$(1) + Chr$(49)
Close #1 -
First, are you sure that the device is connected to com1?, some computers configure it with a different number and specially if it has 2 serial ports, this may be the problem.
Other point is the avility of VB to manage com ports, why don't try to send the characters to a file and within DOS prompt sent it by COPY FILENAME.TXT > COM1 the file -
hi all,
i have the same problem. also tried the codes posted here. and still doesnt work. i consulted firich's website find this code:
PRINT #1,CHR$(&H1B);"p";CHR$(0);CHR$(100);CHR$(250);
written in qbasic. i cant seem to convert this to vb.
thanks -
first you need to read the Help for the special cash-draw you got.
the esc sequenz may be another then 27,112,0,48 but in general the code below
must work !
there are 2 possiple methodes to open the cash drawer, dependend on the connection
you choosed.
you can send a message to the drawer connected over a printer (e.g. Epson TM-T88 II)
for parallel
Open "LPT1" For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, Chr$(27) + Chr$(112) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(48)
Print #1, Chr$(27) + Chr$(112) + Chr$(1) + Chr$(49)
Close #1
or you choose a connection on seriell ports over COM1, COM2
then this code will work...
Open "COM1:9600,n,8,1,DS0,CS0" For Output As #1
Print #1, "A"
Close #1
greats from Torsten Schmitzt, Overath
schmitzIT -
i already tried it but still did not work. i aslo check my printer setting. its on LPT1 and is set as "Generic / Text Only"
i have found the answer... wel, actually, WE have found the answer. i just mixed and match the codes here... and then, it just worked.
but then i have a new problem... well actually, im just wondering if it is on a networked. i mean two ore more computers are accesing the the same printer and the same cash drawer. i know no one would set it up this way. but as i have said i migrating a visual foxpro program. in visual foxpro, it still work in a network setup...
anyway the code is:
'Open "LPT1" For Output As #1
'Print #1, Chr$(27) & Chr$(112) & Chr$(1) & Chr$(48) & Chr$(48)
'Close #1
Yes it does, so looks like the problem was the drawer coding.
No need for generic text printer, the driver works for the printer object.
Open "\\SERVER\Shared_Printer_Name" For Output As #1
Print #1, Chr$(27) & Chr$(112) & Chr$(1) & Chr$(48) & Chr$(48)
Close #1
Being SERVER the machine where the printer is (the route to the printer)
and Shared_Printer_Name the networked name for the printer.
thax Darius... i worked!
but the problem is i would still have to hardcode the printer object (\SERVER\SharedPrinterName). im still trying to find ways not to. i alreadly used "printer.devicename" but it returned "\server\Generic / Text Only" while the the working value should be "\server\GenericT" . i think its because of the lone printer name... im still tryin to find a way to do this... -
I am searching to get an activex.
I would like to know how to print to a Epson TMU-220PD from an application made in .NET c#.
Can you please help?
Hi all.
I have problem in linking vb to access, can someone help me?
Thank you
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