Having trouble with ASPX Pages.

  • 15 years ago

    [3]I put together a website on my local machine using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.  All pages and links work great locally, but pages will not display on the site.  I set the default page from my sites control panel, and I don't Know what else to do.  When running regular HTM OR HTML pages I don't have this problem.  My site is hosted by HostMySite.com, do I need to alter, or remove the file "web.congif".[/3]  
    OK EVERYONE THIS ONE IS SETTELED !  The site was setup on a non .NET server, this has now been corrected.

  • 15 years ago

    If everything works fine locally, but not on the server... then I would suggest checking that the server does in fact support ASP.NET 2.0? (the version you'll be running locally with VWD 2005 Express).

    If it does, then could you give more details on what actually happens when you try to view the page?

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