Top hosting

  • 14 years ago

    Hi All,
    I found a top hodting.( But I don't have credit card. Anybody can help me?
    Sad [:(]Sad [:(]Sad [:(]Crying [:'(]Crying [:'(]Crying [:'(]

  • 14 years ago

    I think you mean "hosting" Smiley Face [:)]

    I think you'd be unlikely to find anyone on here who's willing to give money or pay for something for someone they've never met in real life - try asking your parents if they can pay for it for you and you pay them back?

  • 14 years ago

    hehehe, Sorry, You are right...
    I want say... for example: I give 20$ per month to you and you take web hosting for me with 9$ and 11$ for you... ha! what said...Confused [*-)]

  • 14 years ago

    simple find a free one !!
    google for: "free webhosting services"

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks man for your reply Smiley Face [:)]
    But I want a web host with this features:
    Support ASP.NET 2, Sql Server 2000,  SMTP Server
    5 GB Disk Space, 100MB SQL Server...
    You can't find free web hosting with that features. Gate give that features with 9$. That's very well for me.
    But, We don't have Master card or Visa card in our country. So I want someone help me.
    Thanks again

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