Re: Transparency in picturebox Layers ? How to? See Here....

  • 14 years ago

    I have been wondering around a lot of classes and at last i discovered that Visual Studion itself supports transparency just have a look on the following  piece of code.



    topImage = (Bitmap)bmpImage;     //image which is to be made transparent

    Bitmap topBitmap = new Bitmap(topImage);

    topBitmap.MakeTransparent(clrTransparent);  // clrTransparent -> Color that you want to be transparent can be  anything white...Grey -- Balck or any other colors.

    With this code you can change the image (bmpimage) to any formats bmp,jpg,png,gif etc and all of these supports


    But before continuing set the background color of the picture as transparent (VS feature)

    Have fun


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