hi friends,
i made executable of perl application using PDK say helloworld.exe. made from Helloworld.pl
the code in my script was
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML><HEAD>";
print "<TITLE>HelloWorld</TITLE></HEAD>";
print "<BODY BGColor=fffff><TABLE Width='100%'><TR><TD><H2>Hello World
print "</BODY></HTML>";
i made exe of this perl script using PDK and run it at my test site then it is giving out put on browser
"Hello World..!"
but when i use this code
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print <<HTML_END;
<BODY BGColor=fffff><TABLE Width='100%'><TR><TD><H2>Hello World..!</H2
now this time it is not shwoing that out put.
well, for your information
in both case i'm running this exe on my test site where perl is not installed and i'm running this exe via php script.
platform is WindowsXP
server IIS 6.0
now i'm very confused why is it so.
one time getting output and second time not.
let me know if need more detail.
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