Form Desing

  • 14 years ago

    In the design I can’t change the size and location of the controls with the Mouse, I have to do it in the properties. The controls are not locked.


    In the form sometimes it let me change the size with the mouse, when this happen the form loose the border and don’t draw the new size, this is only in the design when I run or close and open the project the changes appears.


    This not happen in new projects, is in projects that I been working a lot of time.


    Is there is any way to fix this?


  • 14 years ago

    In your system, ur VS not able to create reference with ur Ram, or by some other application it removed, please reinstall ur VS. It happen once with me some time ago 'n this is the only solution of this problem, after reinstallation it works perfectlly.

    Yours Sincerely,


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