Creating a Username and Password.

  • 13 years ago

    Hi, I'm really new to and I'm trying to hard code a username and password. Yes I know it would be easier to maintain if user/password list was in a separate file.  I get that but that's not where I'm at yet.  All I'm trying to do is have the password come up as "*'s" when its typed in. How do I do that?  And please keep it simple... small words that don't mean The last programming language I used was CoBol.  Thanks in advance Guys.


  • 13 years ago

    on your form, set the PasswordChar Property of the password textbox to * or any other character you want to appear in the box.

  • 13 years ago
    In Textbox property, in PasswordChar give what ever Symbol you want,

    Example CodeBehind
    TextBox1.PasswordChar = "@"

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