VB.NET DLL not being called by VB6 COM+ Component

  • 13 years ago

    Hi All,

    I have a VB6 COM+ Component which calls a .NET library. The VB6 COM+ component is called from Classic ASP application. Everything works great at the first attempt but if I try to perform same actions later on then nothing happens.

    I can see that dllhost.exe process (under Task Manager) is running on the server.

    If I kill this dllhost.exe process and then try to access the COM+ (which will call the .net library as well) from Classic ASP then everything works fine.

    Some Additional Info:

    • The .NET library is written in VB.NET (version 1.1).
    • JustInTimeActivation Option is enabled for the VB6 COM+ component.
    • The .NET library is registered in GAC and I am also registering it with regasm.exe and creating a type library so that .NET DLL is visible to VB6 COM+ component.

    If everything works fine at the first attempt what must be wrong that its not being called at the later attempts.

    Please let me know what am I doing wrong here.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • 13 years ago

    I had a problem in a similar scenario (ASP -> VB6 COM+ -> VB.NET component). The heart of the problem was that I was trying to do this on a Windows 2000 Server. When I ran these pieces on our Windows 2003 test server everything worked but when it was moved to production, it wouldn't work. We ended up solving the problem by installing the VB.NET component on a 2003 box and having the VB6 COM+ component call it remotely. This isn't the best solution, of course, but it works for now since our new production webserver should online in a few weeks.

    What I did to track down the source of the problem was adding in a lot of code that logged the errors I was getting. Tracking down bugs or configuration problems in this scenario is tricky so the more you can log errors to disk the more information you'll have.

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