Rich text box

  • 13 years ago

    I want to create a text box control in which user can do the following operations. Bold, Italic, Numeric, all alignments, super script, subscript, change font type, size color, text component background change, apply link to some text, text warp. bullets and numberings, etc.

    Can any one help me in getting this control from the INTERNET. Any sample application with source code will also be useful for me.

    I know I'm asking a little bit of extra in text box. But I'm seriously want to apply all the feature so that the user can do anything with the text at the time of creation.

     Any one suggestion is welcome to me.


  • 13 years ago

    Um. Have you tried the RichTextBox control in VB.NET? :D

  • 13 years ago

    Or if you're talking about a web-based solution - try something like tiny mce

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