Developer job-seeking advice

.net , css Uganda
  • 13 years ago


    I work as a developer for a business consultancy, and I love what I do, but I think it's time to look for a role in a bigger organisation, where I could work as part of a team of developers rather than on my own, and where there'd be a technical career path open to me. I list my technical skills below. Because I've been with the same firm for the last seven years, I don't really know what kind of jobs are out there, and whether my skills and experience are good enough / in demand at the moment. So if anyone can give me any feedback on where to look / how to find out what's out there / whether my skill-set looks marketable, it would be much appreciated.

    Finally, I have two degrees but in humanities subjects not science / technology, and I've never pursued MS certification. Do people think this would be worth doing, that's to say would it significantly improve my chances of getting a new job?

    My technical skills are:

    • VB language;
    • strong understanding of MS Windows GUI development
    • .Net Framework 2.0 and 1.1
    • SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 / 2000 Reporting Services / t-SQL
    • Visual Studio 2005 including VS Tools for Office / Visual Studio 2000
    • HTML / CSS to a sufficient level to use in the service of ASP.Net projects where the main task is coding (for example business intelligence projects, but I don't really want to continue with CSS).

    Thanks in advance,



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