hi guys
i m trying to develop a simple app to store data in local database. when i test to post data to my local database it shows that everything goes well but i cant see the data in the data table when i try to retreive it..? can anyone help plz
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim newclientRow As catDataSet.clientsRownewclientRow = Me.CatDataSet.clients.NewclientsRow
newclientRow.civilit‚ = TextBox1.Text
newclientRow.nom = TextBox2.Text
newclientRow.prenom = TextBox3.Text
newclientRow.telephone = TextBox4.Text
newclientRow.portable = TextBox5.Text
'add new row to clients
' Save the new row to the databaseMe.ClientsTableAdapter.Update(CatDataSet.clients)
End Sub
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