Hi Chong,
I can run VC++ 6 and its apps in WinXP without any changes in their properties, I'm using VC++6 (98), that's from1998. Also VC++ 6 has some service packs that I don't know about them, maybe they can do more!
But for versions, after VC++6, MS jumped into .NET platform, then all the next versions of VC++ are in .NET platform, they are:
VC++ 7.0(.NET 2000), VC++ 7.1(.NET 2003), VC++ 8(.NET 2005), VC++ 9(.NET 2008).
You can create MFC and console or other apps in VC++ later versions, there is very little changes overall(biggest one is the removal of ClassWizard), in the syntax there is almost no changes, but even this doesn't make any trouble.
I suggest you to use VS .NET, since there is almost no difference in how to program, then you can write your first program after some minutes. Actually there is something to discover not to learn, then don't worry about that.
I think you should give it a try, as all the new things that MS gives is on the .NET versions, you know the benefit of this try! You can also learn VC++ .NET platform programming that is not MFC but in CLR and should be better than MFC, but has something more than discover but easy for a MFC programmer. Also consider C# that the syntax is just like C++ and only has some new things, and the most change is how to program, then VC# is like VC++.NET but it's the special language for .NET platform.
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