Sequential File Manipulation

sequential , file , manipulation Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Mauritius
  • 12 years ago
    hi everybody, i've the following assignment from mu uni and i really dont know how to do it. Well my question is as follows: (Using Visual 2003) ********************************************************* The purpose of this assignment is to produce a piece of software that would: • Store on sequential file(s) digital images with associated text. • Provide a means to maintain these file(s). • Provide a means for retrieving the information from these file(s) in such a way to enable the display a selected image with its associated text. • Provide a means to navigate through previously selected images with their associated text. • Provide a means to navigate sequentially images with their associated text. To achieve the implementation of this software you will be expected to utiilise appropriate Object Oriented techniques, User-Defined Data Types. Sequential File facilities including StreamWriter and StreamReader. The user interface is the software to be designed and implemented as a Multiple Document Interface (MDI). Task 1 Design a suitable record structure(s) for storing, as sequential file(s), the data required for each image including its associated text. Each image should be given a unique sequential reference number. Design suitable User-Defined Data type(s) for processing the record structure(s). pls help me. thx chan..
  • 12 years ago
    Hey! am new here but I think I can help you with that Sequential file manipulation assignment. Let me know if you are still working on it.
  • 12 years ago
    Question is, if specification fits classical filesystem or not. Because what is decribed here is :) what filesystem does perfectly, in some sense. Regardless we have two more chances, if there is limitation (that you cannot offer windows as part of product :) to construct some "splitfiles". Single filed - you could again doubt if msAxes fits or not as solution (it is good performance, suitable sequential system :) ... or two/three filed ... when you create your own database system, in one you store captions to indexes, and in second you have at end list of pointers to heading parts, where images are stored... I have no other idea, which would suit common "three-days" solutions as this is... you can store it in NN but this is :) ... eh, much easier to implement
  • 12 years ago
    Ok actually what you need to do is to create a structure that would combine the image path, reference number, title and text so that you can later store that in an array of the data type of your structure. Then use stream writer to write the contents of the aray to the a file. When you done with that let me know, then I'l tell you how to read from the file. visit my blog am helping some NCC pple do the same.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi earthoad i just cheked ur posts, and tryd out your blog its not available. could u please help me with the same project which is mentioned above. Thanks

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