VB.net class to connect to sql database

.net , vb , csharp Harare, Zimbabwe
  • 12 years ago
    hello i need to write a class in vb.net to connect to sql database. the class is to be compiled and save so that everyone can use it to connect to what ever database they want. pliz help
  • 12 years ago
    We already have Enterprise Data Access Library for achieving the same. Refer to "Data Access Block" on Microsoft website.
  • 12 years ago
    hi c# class public static SqlConnection sqlBaglanti = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["data source=ipnameorlocalhost;UID=user; pwd=pass;initial Catalog=dbname"]); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DataView class public static DataView Toplam_kayitlar(string sql) { SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlBaglanti); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sqlAdapter.Fill(ds); sqlBaglanti.Close(); return ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; } ımm vb convert code http://converter.telerik.com/ go good ? my blogg [paslanmaz](http://www.paslanmazbul.net/) [evden eve nakliyat](http://www.evdenevenakliyatbul.com/) [bul](http://www.paslanmazbul.net/)
  • 12 years ago
    hello hi.... i created 3 tables in oracle 10g. one column is common in 3 tables so i want to concatinate those three tables and view in a single form Using VB.net . plz help as early as possible.
  • 12 years ago
    hello hi.... i created 3 tables in oracle 10g. one column is common in 3 tables so i want to concatinate those three tables and view in a single form Using VB.net . plz help as early as possible.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi,the solution might be to use join condition.

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