Casting the .NET

.net , recruitment , advertising Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 12 years ago
    Hi! I am just a dumb IT recruiter trying to get my head around all this wierd and wonderful stuff you developers get up to. I am currently recruiting for a .NET developer role (ASP.NET, C#) which requires the knowledge of other technologies too. Basically, what I need help in understanding is what do you look for in a job advert? Would you apply to any .NET developer role or just the ones which appeal? What makes it appealing? All help will be very much appreciated. Ta
  • 12 years ago
    hi, Why don't you go through some of the job portals. There you can search what all compnies look for. Basically its the skill set which should match along with the experience required. Rest of the things are for negotiation. Regards, Royal
  • 12 years ago
    Personally - only to very specific roles. The technologies being used (aside from ".NET") is important (new technologies get massive bonus points - Silverlight, Azure etc), as is the work environment and variety of work... but I come from a digital agency background rather than a corporate one.

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“Debugging is anticipated with distaste, performed with reluctance, and bragged about forever.” - Dan Kaminsky