.NET User Group in Gloucester

user group , .net , community Gloucester, United Kingdom
  • 12 years ago
    Hi New .NET User Group in Gloucester has been just created. I would like to invite all .NET developers from the area to join us. First meeting will be at end of the February. www.gl-net.org.uk Jimmy
  • 12 years ago
    hey Jimmy - great stuff! Make sure you submit info about your user group at http://www.developerfusion.com/community/newusergroup/ and any upcoming events! :) If you're not already in touch with Microsoft, let me know - there's a great bunch of MS and community people around who can give you advice on running your group, should you need any.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi Thanks. I did submit a basic info already. No, I'm not in contact with Microsoft yet, so I will be happy to have any help. Cheers. Jimmy

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