continued from dating site post
I am having problems with my drop down option values for my form input. The values are numbers for users gender, birthday, birth month etc... . my uersname, password and email are sent to database, but the option values are all zero for the number option input fields. Any thoughts.
here is my sql write to data.
the $curnum is just for air checking.
if($curnum == 0) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO usermembers VALUES(`id`,'".$username."','".$password."','".$email."','$gender','$birthmonth','$birthday','$birthyear','$ethnicity','$country')") or die(mysql_error());
and here is the option value for say birthday.
If the sql fields for the option values is set to INT. How to I get that number value to database.
this is really bothering me.
I don't understand why the varchar data is entered in the sql but not the drop down option number values.
can you please help me.
thanks a million.
sorry code cut off.
continued from dating site post
I am having problems with my drop down option values for my form input. The values are numbers for users gender, birthday, birth month etc... . my uersname, password and email are sent to database, but the option values are all zero for the number option input fields. Any thoughts.
here is my sql write to data.
the $curnum is just for air checking.
if($curnum == 0) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO usermembers VALUES(`id`,'".$username."','".$password."','".$email."','$gender','$birthmonth','$birthday',
'$birthyear','$ethnicity','$country')") or die(mysql_error());
and here is the option value for say birthday.
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