how to create two independent dropdownlists in a detailsview

visual basics , test Atlanta, United States
  • 12 years ago
    Could someone give me an example of the above title.
  • 12 years ago
    **Could someone help me with this. I have two (2) dropdownlists. The first dropdownlist worked fine, until I put in the second ddl. When click the edit button, this is the error message I get: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'DropDownList2' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value My code is :** <%@ Page language="VB" Debug="true"%> ESS/TeamWorks Portal Ratings
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  • 12 years ago
    ok normally i would do something like this and bind the text boxes to the database with your binding using the insert. this is what I thought it would look like for you:
              Navigation Other Unable to Contact Helpdesk Unable to Log On Unable to View Employee Info Technical Problems
                 Brown, Al Goines, Fatima Hecht, Janet Leigh, Tiffani Montaque, Dekisha Phillips, Ann Raines, Michelle Wiggins, Gwen Witcher, Ronnie
  • 12 years ago
    Thank you for your quick response. Should there be so coding behind it for the second dropdownList. I probably should have explained the what is needed. This is a database established on Sql Server. I am trying to create 2 dropdownlist in a Detailsview. The first one works when I click the edit button; when I added the second one I received the error message listed with the code above. I am missing some sort of Event or code in order to make this work properly?

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