Tax Invoice printing with php scripting

invoice , php tax invoice , scripting Singapore, Singapore
  • 12 years ago
    Hi Everyone Any one know abou this? +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Item Description | Amount (SGD) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | Event Name = [EVT/0001] Blah Blah Blah | | | | | | Event begins on: | | | | | | and ends on: | | | | | | Event Information: Blah Blah Blah | | | | | | Seats Booked: 2 | | | | | | Discount: 10% | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Subtotal | | | GST (7%) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TOTAL | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  • 12 years ago
    echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    "; echo "|Item Description | Amount (SGD) |
    "; echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    "; echo "| |
    "; echo "| |
    "; echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    "; echo "| |
    "; echo "| |
    "; echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    "; echo "| |
    "; echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

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