Stop a process in

stop process , killing a process , process , delete file Toronto, Canada
  • 11 years ago
    Hi, I am working on using C#. There is a form where I am importing excel sheet data into my sql server database. For this I am uploading my excel sheet into a temp folder, then reading the data from there and inserting it into my database table and then deleting the temp file. If there is any error in the data reading or in transfer process, it gives me an error, but the real problem is that I have to restart my application again or sometimes even computer to get the application working. This problem occures when I try to run the same process again after I had encountered the error, this problem basically occures when i am trying to delete the temp file, It gives me an error like: Cannot delete the file. The file XXX is used by another process. At the page load I am trying to delete any file which is present in the temp folder. any suggestions to this problem. Regards, Royal

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