Web Development

swa , post , test Bangladesh
  • 11 years ago

    Swadeshi Communications

    Imagine a doctor without an appointment officer. He has to manage his patient schedule, collect bills and make future appointments if needed. Moreover, he has to let his patients know if he will be unavailable due to unavoidable circumstances. This doctor may run his career if he is a fresh graduate. But what will happen if he is renowned and his number of patients passes three digits figure?

    Need a hand? Swadeshi is here! Similar to that doctor, just do your job. We are here to manage all your IT works.

    Swadeshi specialized in Web Development (using PHP, .net, ajax, joomla, XHTML, flash, action script etc.), Customize Application Development and Data Processing to provide solutions for enterprises from small to large.

    For more information please visit: http://www.swadeshibd.com

  • 11 years ago

    Swadeshi Communications

    Imagine a doctor without an appointment officer. He has to manage his patient schedule, collect bills and make future appointments if needed. Moreover, he has to let his patients know if he will be unavailable due to unavoidable circumstances. This doctor may run his career if he is a fresh graduate. But what will happen if he is renowned and his number of patients passes three digits figure?

    Need a hand? Swadeshi is here! Similar to that doctor, just do your job. We are here to manage all your IT works.

    Swadeshi specialized in Web Development (using PHP, .net, ajax, joomla, XHTML, flash, action script etc.), Customize Application Development and Data Processing to provide solutions for enterprises from small to large.

    For more information please visit: http://www.swadeshibd.com

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Never trust a programmer in a suit.” - Anonymous