This is probably a simple thing for experienced css developers but I'm having trouble finding the answer.
I want to be able to place a link anywhere on a page, and on clicking that link have a floating div displayed directly below that link, sort of like a drop down menu.
The trouble I'm having is that I can't use position: absolute; to position the floating div, as I don't know exactly where the link will be. I can't use relative, as that inserts a line break for the div, which I don't want. It's not correct to nest divs within span elements, so I'm confused as to what to use. An example of the sort of html I wish to use is:
Here is my list of other stuff which should be unaffected by the droppy downy
<a href="#">This is my link</a>
<div class="dropdownDiv">
<ul id="dropdown_item_1">
<li>drop 1</li>
<li>drop 2</li>
<li>drop 3</li>
type thing which appears right over the middle of it.
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