.net from a shortcut

  • 18 years ago

    I have a program that is setup on a sql7 server. It takes data from the server and displays it in a pre-created Crystal Report *.rpt file, using the crystl32.ocx (program was upgraded from vb6). Here is the situation, using the vb6 version of the program I can run the program from a shortcut on the user's desktop that is pointed to the actual application on the server. It makes it very easy to update the program as necessary and not have to touch several computers.

    I am moving many of my applications to vb.net. I want to do the same thing with these programs, however when i deploy the application to the server, and try to run the program over the network it throws up exceptions, mostly security exceptions, before I dig any further I would like to know if what I am attempting is possible. I will eventually have several users in the network using this, and I dont want to have to touch every computer everytime I make an update or a small change...

    Thanks for the help.
    Eric Cathell, A+ MCP, MCSA (on my way to MCAD someday =) &nbsp
    btw all computers running the .net version are win2k with the .net framework installed

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