Rich text detect urls overrides?

  • 18 years ago

    Dear group

    Im trying to figure out how to include links to local file data using vb .net and the rich text box.

    with detect urls enabled, typing http:/ or file:// triggers a function to then make that a hyperlink.

    the problem is, I want to show a label for that local file:// path, since the pathname is usually very long.

    is there a way to either override the detect urls method, or use some kind of html/xml  trick to use the A link command, such as:

    <A href:file://c\documents and settings\my documents\my new folder\my documents\32931023article on clothing.rtf > 'article' </A>

    so that what you see is   " article "  and when clicked it opens the file its linked to.

    this appears impossible with vb .net rich text boxes

    Id like to use the microsoft Word notation for linking text since I have articles written in word with their links, so that format would be nice if it worked.  does anyone know how to do such a thing?


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