Training & Events in Montpellier, France
happened 7 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
Importante: Inscripción: póngase en contacto con COETTC ? [email protected] Col·legi d?Enginyers Tècnics i Graduats en Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Catalunya (COETTC), os invita a la jornada gratuita ?RSE y el compromiso del empleado en telecomunicaciones?.Programa: *PANEL DE DISCUSSIÓN- LA RESPONSABILIDAD CORPORATIVA Y LA SOSTENIBILIDAD EN LA INDUSTRIA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES: ÚLTIMAS TENDENCIAS, DESARROLLOS, RETOS ACTUALES Y FUTUROS
Barcelona Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Barcelona MongoDB Users Group
I'm looking to give one presentation on any topic you are interested around MongoDB and then I'm looking for a volunteer to give a talk about MongoDB usage, experience, experiments etc.I've limited the attendance list unless we find a bigger space. This is to ensure you get in the door and actually can see the presentations. If someone has a bigger space that would be great.
Web-5 Conference - Béziers, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Web-5 Association
Web-5 Conference has for main themes Javascript, Dojo Toolkit, HTML5, WebGL, Node.js, Scala, CSS4, Mobile development and Front-End performance. It is an expert level conference which tries to bring Technical Rock Stars to the countryside ;)For more information in english, please check our website!
Js&Beers - Barcelona, Spain
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Barcelona JS
Que os parece hacer una quedada en alguna cafetería para echar un rato de charla?
Le PCAUG déménage !!! - Niort, France
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Poitou-Charentes Android User Group
Le Poitou-Charentes User Group va bientôt disparaître de Meetup. Pour continuer à nous suivre, rendez-vous dès maintenant sur Google Groupes à cette adresse : très vite
Sun, Sand and Startups - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
It might not be that sunny and sandy yet, but it's still a good season to meet interesting people and talk entrepreneurship! We feel it's about time!If you're in Barcelona and haven't had enough networking from the Mobile conference, you should join us at Incognito Bar in El Borne on Tuesday the 22nd of February.If you have attended before, you will know that triple-S always brings together people with fascinating projects - from Barcelona and the world.
Aperoweb #3 : Gestion agile d'un projet web - Toulouse, France
happened 10 years ago
Les aperoweb sont des rencontres informelles entre passionnés et curieux des évolutions des métiers liés au développement web. Claude Aubry, auteur d'un excellent livre sur Scrum la méthode agile la plus populaire et à l'origine du projet communautaire Icescrum fera une présentation, suivi d'une séance de questions/réponses. Un buffet dinatoire et des boissons seront ensuite à disposition des participants.
Rencontre PCAUG de Février - Niort, France
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Poitou-Charentes Android User Group
Cette 1ère édition sera orientée vers la pratique ! Format *2 ou 3 présentations/démo de 15-20 minutes avec questions/réponses *Discussions, échanges et rencontres autour d'une collation offerte Programme *Découverte générale du système Android depuis l'univers des smartphones à la publication de son application sous l'Android Market en passant par le SDK Android... *Démo d'une création d'une petite application *Démo des tests de cette application
Sun, Sand and Startups - networking event - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
While still waiting for a consistent beach weather, we'll have the next Sun, Sand and Startups event as a networking party with f3fundit and Founder's Lounge in Gran Foc on the 17th June at 9pm. f3fundit has their "Next Top Startup" global entrepreneurship competition earlier on the day and are bringing the ten competition finalists as well as a number of mentors and investors to talk to and network with - as usual in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Coffee, cookies, and SEO. Q&A. - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by @ Wiki People. Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Hello guys,let's repeat the Q&A sessions, I think that apart from introductions is interesting to hear the experts answer different issues related to Website Optimization. This time we will concentrate on building Organic Traffic to your website,1. keyword selection2. external and internal linking3. Video, images, content4. Flash and SEOHave a nice week!Maria
Sun, Sand and Startups - entrepreneur meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
Sun, Sand and Startups will take place again next Wednesday 19th at 8pm in our old favorite - Bar Santa Marta by the Barceloneta beach.This time we have two very interesting talks - each about 15-20 minutes:"Disrupt! - How to have fun and re-invent businesses"by Michele Airoldi. Michele is a consultant, trainer and facilitator with a special focus on creativity and business innovation. Through Lateral
The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group Monthly Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina.Claudiu
The Barcelona PHP April Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina.Claudiu
Starting Up a Social Network. (PHP, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Zope..?) - Barcelona, Spain
happened 10 years ago
Organised by @ Wiki People. Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Hello Wikis,So you are looking into being the next Facebook network out there, or a vertical version of it...or maybe you have a technical background and looking into collaborating or partnering with an online entrepreneur.So let's mix the best of both worlds! Having an open discussion about the good, the bad, and the ugly of some of the languages and out of the box solutions in the market.
Iron-Butt Lake Geneva Region - Hardening butts, from moms to marathoners. - Bains, France
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup Group
This Iron-Butt Meetup starts at 1500 hours (3 pm) and continues until 1900 hours (7 pm).Location: turn immediately right just after Divonne frontier and park near the Hippodrome gate.Lausanne-Geneva highway exit is "Divonne Coppet", like when you go to Manor Chavannes Centre.If it rains, the meetup is in the Esplanade Concert Hall on the opposite side of the lake (it has a huge covered area at the rear of the building
The Barcelona PHP March Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina.Claudiu
Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup "3000 DAYS BRAINSTORM" - Genève, Switzerland
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup Group
Hi. This meetup will be simultaneous with Tasha's. End-February we'll summarize what members want the group to fixate on in the future. The next meetups after this one alternate between EPFL and Geneva. This is the 151st meetup of this group. Today we add "THE 3000 DAYS BRAINSTORM" to our name.And the new header..."This meetup brainstorms new startups and behaviors needed during the next 3000 DAYS. Thought the noughties were a shake-up ? Just wait for the tens.
Sun, Sand and Startups / Founders Lounge - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
Sun, Sand and Startups / Founders LoungeOn Thursday the 18th, the second triple-s/Founders Lounge co-production takes place at the Gran Foc. No self-respecting entrepreneur would miss this.Besides from the usual networking, we will be featuring a talk by Jouko Ahvenainen, co-founder of Grow VC International Limited titled "New funding opportunities for web and mobile startups around the world".More details: and
The Barcelona PHP February Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina.Claudiu
The Barcelona PHP January Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :) ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us. One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
Networking with Founders Lounge - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
On Wednesday, December 9th, the fourth Sun, Sand and Startups event takes place in collaboration with Founders Lounge. Founders Lounge - - is a monthly networking event for founders, taking place at the Gran Foc in Eixample. We will be starting at 20:00 - you can have a Founders Burger for 9 and copas for 6. Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Barcelona PHP December Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :) ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us. One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
The Barcelona PHP November Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :) ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us. One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
Triple-s III - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
Its a while since the last meetup but now we have found a new "weather proof" place - but still facing the sea in Barceloneta. Its also quieter, less expensive, easier to get to and has a screen for presentations! This means we are now actively looking for people to share the group on their startups in a 15 minute format. Let us know if you'd like to do that and we put a program together. We hope to see many of you on the 15th.
The Barcelona PHP October Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :) ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us. One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
Triple-S Meetup #3 - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
This is the third Sun, Sand and Startups meetup. The first two were very successful and we expect to see even more entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be sharing stories, networking and having fun. This time, the location is the Inercia Chiringuito on the Nova Icária beach. See you on the 15th!
The Barcelona PHP September Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
Startup meetup II - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Sun, Sand and Startups
Socialise, get feedback for your ideas and get to know other startuppers.
The Barcelona PHP August Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by The Barcelona PHP Meetup Group
Hola :)ISS iMedia is taking their team on an evening out; we like technology and the other fine things in life (Mediterranean food, nights out and so on). We'd really like you to join us.One of the best up-market Mediterranean restaurants in town, right near the Barceloneta Marina. Claudiu
Barcelona Software Developers July Meetup - Barcelona, Spain
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Barcelona Software Developers Meetup Group
This will be out first meeting so we'll do a round of introductions and talk about our backgrounds, interests, and the projects we're currently working on.
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