Training & Events in Grenoble, France
Swiss App Awards 2013 - Zurich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork GmbH
We are glad to present our yearly event dedicated only to apps – the very first of its kind in Switzerland and one of the first in Europe. During the evening we will celebrate the apps, their developers, and the companies behind them. This year the event will be hosted at the Marriott Hotel in Zurich, February 7, 2013.
NoSQL Roadshow in Basel 30 August 2012 - Basel, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork GmbH
The title of the Roadshow is "NoSQL and Highly Scalable Systems - The Theory, The Practice and the Case Studies" and will be presented by Matt Aslett, Pavlo Baron, Marcus Kern, David Dawson, Ian Plosker, Patrick Baumgartner, Christian Gügi, Jean-Pierre Koenig and Joern Larsen. Facing the needs of our participants we have broaden our programme: beside subjects around RIAK we will have some talks about Hadoop and MongoDB! Whole event will give you the broad view of NoSQL scene.
Introduction to F# Coding (Continued) - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Zurich FSharp Users Meetup Group
This meetup is split in two parts. During part 1, we present some more F# fundamentals. During part 2, we introduce F# algebraic types and pattern matching, including active patterns. As always, some catering is included.You can find here an invitation with the detailed schedule and an aerial view of the location. If you come for the first time, please take the invitation with you, to make sure you find us (the address is not shown accurately in Google maps/Bing maps)
Railshöck - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
We have an offer for a talk from Christian Felder.Christian will introduce us to the basics of Facebook applications, how to work with Rails and talk about some learnings he had while building Silp.
Introduction to F# Coding - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Zurich FSharp Users Meetup Group
Some introductory F# code will be presented, mostly in F# Interactive. Examples will be related to: Type inference, "functions as values", function nesting, function combination/partial application/currying, record and union types, and automatic generalization. After the demo, those who have time can go have a drink or eat something close by.Details re. the location can be found here.
Web-5 Conference - Béziers, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Web-5 Association
Web-5 Conference has for main themes Javascript, Dojo Toolkit, HTML5, WebGL, Node.js, Scala, CSS4, Mobile development and Front-End performance. It is an expert level conference which tries to bring Technical Rock Stars to the countryside ;)For more information in english, please check our website!
SmashingMagazine Meetup#5 - CSS3 Master Class with Jens Grochtdreis - Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The SmashingMagazine Meetup
Dear SmashingMag fans,we never stop to develop new ideas and this time we thought we should expand our regular Meetup into a full-on CSS3 Master Class.This Meetup will be held in Frankfurt, Germany - location TBA.Thanks to our sponsor MailChimp, 20 of you will have the opportunity to participate on a thorough one day training with CSS Guru Jens Grochtdreis in modern frontend development, CSS3, tools and workflow (usually worth 450 Euro per person)
Railshöck - Hacknight - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Hack-Night!ACHTUNG: im Büro von SimplificatorDie Idee dahinter ist, dass wir zusammen an interessanten Projekten/Gems/Ideen arbeiten und uns dazu austauschen. Momentan möchten wir die Hack-Night sehr offen halten und schauen was sich am Abend entwickelt.Wir starten um 18.30 mit einer kurzen Intro und der Vorstellung von Themen an welchen gearbeitet werden kann. Danach bilden wir kleine Gruppen und arbeiten bis ca. 22.00 Uhr am ausgewählten Thema.
Informal get-together with dinner. - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Zurich FSharp Users Meetup Group
Informal get-together to exchange ideas and experiences, with self-service dinner. Everybody pays for him or herself.
SmashingMagazine Meetup#4 with Denise Jacobs - The Art of Disciplined Creativity - Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The SmashingMagazine Meetup
Another Meetup, another city, another fabulous speaker! For our January event we're very pleased to welcome Denise R. Jacobs from Florida. Denise is an Creativity Evangelist, Web Design Trainer and Author of The CSS Detective Guide, and is a co-author for InterAct with Web Standards: A Holistic Approach to Web Design.Denise is going to run a presentation on "The Art of Disciplined Creativity" for us
SmashingMagazine Meetup #3 with Paul Irish and Stuttgart GTUG - Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The SmashingMagazine Meetup
We just received the confirmation from fabulous Paul Irish and Stuttgart GTUG for our December MeetUp - more details coming soon but please sign up already so we can find the right venue :o)In the meantime, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and stop by at our Flickr accountLooking forward seeing you all!Update schedule:5.30pm: open doors, drinks6pm: Paul Irish on History of HTML5 and The New Vocabulary of Web Dev6.30pm: FAQ7pm: break and drinks
Railshöck - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Daniel Schlegel zeigt wie man innerhalb von 30min ein Rails live System mit MongoDB, Resque Workern, Monitoring und Cron Jobs aufsetzt. Danach Community-Austausch im Acanto.
Certified Java Enterprise Architect Bootcamp - Zurich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Aberla
You are an experienced enterprise architect, responsible for the overall software architecture and design of enterprise software systems. You want to pass the Certified Enterprise Archtitect (CEA) exam. Now you can take this final step in only six days.
Railshöck - ZÜRICH, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Community-Austausch für neue und bekannte Gesichter. Allenfalls finden wir noch jemand, der einen Vortrag halten kann.
Railshöck - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Georg Kunz möchte verschiedene Konzepte zum Zugriff auf XML APIs in der Gruppe besprechen.Anschliessend Community-Austausch für neue und bekannte Gesichter.
Railshöck - 8005 Zürich, Switzerland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Community-Austausch für neue und bekannte Gesichter. Allenfalls finden wir noch jemand, der einen Vortrag halten kann.
Railshöck - ZÜRICH, Switzerland
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
Community-Austausch für neue und bekannte Gesichter. Allenfalls finden wir noch jemand, der einen Vortrag halten kann.
Zürich GWT User Group Meetup - ZÜRICH, Switzerland
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Zürich GWT User Group
Treffen wir uns in Restaurant/Bar Federal in ZHB für ein Bier um der nächstes TechTalk zu plannen und verabreden.Lets meet at Restaurant/Bar Federal in ZHB for a beer in order to plan and set a date for our next TechTalk.
Aperoweb #3 : Gestion agile d'un projet web - Toulouse, France
happened 10 years ago
Les aperoweb sont des rencontres informelles entre passionnés et curieux des évolutions des métiers liés au développement web. Claude Aubry, auteur d'un excellent livre sur Scrum la méthode agile la plus populaire et à l'origine du projet communautaire Icescrum fera une présentation, suivi d'une séance de questions/réponses. Un buffet dinatoire et des boissons seront ensuite à disposition des participants.
Railshöck - ZÜRICH, Switzerland
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
<p>Community-Austausch für neue und bekannte Gesichter. Allenfalls finden wir noch jemand, der einen Vortrag halten kann.</p
Iron-Butt Lake Geneva Region - Hardening butts, from moms to marathoners. - Bains, France
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup Group
This Iron-Butt Meetup starts at 1500 hours (3 pm) and continues until 1900 hours (7 pm).Location: turn immediately right just after Divonne frontier and park near the Hippodrome gate.Lausanne-Geneva highway exit is "Divonne Coppet", like when you go to Manor Chavannes Centre.If it rains, the meetup is in the Esplanade Concert Hall on the opposite side of the lake (it has a huge covered area at the rear of the building
Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup "3000 DAYS BRAINSTORM" - Genève, Switzerland
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Lake Geneva Region OpenCoffee Meetup Group
Hi. This meetup will be simultaneous with Tasha's. End-February we'll summarize what members want the group to fixate on in the future. The next meetups after this one alternate between EPFL and Geneva. This is the 151st meetup of this group. Today we add "THE 3000 DAYS BRAINSTORM" to our name.And the new header..."This meetup brainstorms new startups and behaviors needed during the next 3000 DAYS. Thought the noughties were a shake-up ? Just wait for the tens.
Webtuesday with Sebastian Bergmann - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 11 years ago
Webtuesday is coming up next week, this time with Sebastian Bergmann, developer of PHPUnit and long-time contributor to many PHP projects, including PHP itself.His talk will be about PHP 5.3 and it's new features (closures, namespaces, etc.).- Next Tuesday, July 14th; 19:30- Amiado Offices ( Drinks on the rooftop. Some beer is provided, please also bring your own.Please sign up:
Lift France 09 - Hands-on Future - Marseille, France
happened 11 years ago
Crises are the foresigns of mutations. You can choose to weather this one out by postponing all plans for the future. Or you can choose to take advantage of it by embracing change.Throughout the world, entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, desi...
JUG Milano Meeting #34 - Sesto S.Giovanni, Italy
happened 11 years ago
19:00 Benvenuto: JUG news ed attività in corso 19:10 Maven 3.0: the Maven you will love - Jason Van Zyl - in inglese 20:10 Erlang e Metodi Agili - Gabriele Lana
Drupal Media Camp 2009 - Aarau, Switzerland
happened 11 years ago
The Drupal Media Camp is meant for at least two groups of participants:- Those who are looking to expand and extend their repertoire of web media and web communications. If you want to find out how Drupal can help augment your capabilities for...
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