Training & Events in Tours, France
IIS8 and Beyond! - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 7 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Ex-VBUG President, Founder of NEBytes and all round good guy Andrew Westgarth heads down from the gloomy north to dispense joy and knowledge on IIS 8and Windows 8.There'll be Pizza, Swag and hopefully a nugget!
Delving into Windows Phone 8 - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Windows Phone guru and all round nice guy Matt Lacey heads down south to take us brought Microsofts latest iteration of their excellent mobile platform.There be pizza, swag and maybe a nugget!(Session details to follow)We're trying out a new site, please register here!
Bang Bang presents Grandmaster Flash - Southampton, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
?? BANG BANG GRANDMASTER FLASH THURS 24TH JAN 2013 10:00PM-04:00AM LIMITED 6 EARLYBIRD TICKETS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?? Full line up: ? GRANDMASTER FLASH Support from: ? BITR8 [BANG BANG] ? ENVIOUS MIND [DMC CHAMPION] ? K1R3Y [BANG BANG] ? MR. FOORD [BANG BANG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More info coming soon.
Chinese New Year! - , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
The slightly early Chinese new Year Geek dinner!Huzzah!Please register on our Meetup site
TypeScript: The Good Parts - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
It's a New Year, so let's start with a new language! Mark Rendle heads down south once again, this time to share with us the joys of Microsoft new TypeScript language.There'll be pizza, swag and hopefully a nugget! Come join us!
Software Craftsmanship vs Fier D'etre Dev Openspace - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Alt.Net France
Défendre le métier de développeur et remettre sur le devant de la scène l'état de l'art de ce métier, tout un programme ...Le mouvement Fier d'être dev (FDD) a été lancé au moment des Techdays 2012 afin de défendre une certaine vision du métier de développeur. D'un autre coté, le mouvement Software Craftsmanship (SC) est né presque en même temps que le manifeste agile et se structure surtout depuis 2009 afin de défendre, accompagner et définir l'état de l'art du métier de développeur.
The return of the Gadgeteer - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Local lad Steven Johnston arrives with a HUGE bag of Gadgeteer bits and bobs to wow us with hardware development for Software guys! :)This is the much requested encore to his original .NET Gadgeteer nugget!There'll be Pizza, Mince Pies, Swag and hopefully a nugget
MOAR Mozilla! - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Top Mozilla chap Dave Burns swings by Southampton to take us throw a spin on the new Mozilla Mobile OS.There'll be pizza, swag and hopefully a nugget :)More details to follow.
NuGet for the Enterprise - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Alex Papadimoulis heads across the pond to Southampton to talk us through NuGet and the Enterprise.There'll be pizza, swag and hopefully a nuget :)Session: NuGet for the EnterpriseNuGet -- the open-source library package manager for .NET -- has exploded in popularity over the past two years with well over 5,000 available packages and support from major contributors such as Microsoft, NUnit, Castle, and JQuery. It’s an incredibly easy-to-use and very powerful tool that helps developers es.
Go Language Meetup (with Andrew Gerrand) - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris GTUG - Google Tech User Group
More info soon.If you want to head about a specific topic or want to adress a library please let us know.We are also looking for a school/company to host and a sponsor for snacks.parisAgtugs.orgsee also a Go introduction meetup on sept. 26th
We're 5! - , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
It's our fifth birthday, and what better way to celebrate than with a geek dinner!
Dart : A new HTML5 technology - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris GTUG - Google Tech User Group
Nicolas Geoffray is a french software engineer at Google working on the design and implementation of programming languages. His current focus is on Dart, a new programming language dedicated to scalable web programming. He is making sure Dart runs on all modern browsers that people use. And runs super fast as well. will be announced soon.We are looking for a second talk (related to Dart preferably).As usual, Open micro (3min demos) to showcase your last project->
Drink-n'-Drupal Toulouse - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Drupal France et Francophonie
Ce drink aura désormais lieu tous les seconds lundi de chaque mois.A vous d'en faire ce que vous voulez qu'il devienne : présentations, networking
Jessie Liberty is coming! :) - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Jessie Liberty hops across the pond and join us in Southampton to talk Windows 8 and XAML development. Further details to follow :)But there will be Pizza, Swag and possibly a nugget!
Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Camp - Brighton , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Microsoft
The Windows 8 Camps have been designed to show you how to build a Windows 8 app. You can tailor the day to make it as personally productive and rewarding as possible. You can work on your own projects with assistance from Windows 8 experts, network with others and also have the option of attending short tutorial sessions on Windows 8 related topics.
1er Meetup Windows Apps - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Windows Apps
Développeurs d'applications Windows Phone et Windows 8, vous êtes les bienvenus pour ce premier Meetup Windows Apps!Au programme :BING MAP ET WINDOWS 8Benjamin Baldacci | .Net Consultant chez WygwamBenjamin vous expliquera comment utiliser le contrôle Bing Map sous Windows 8 et quelles sont les possibilités de ce contrôle.D'autres conférences à venir, elles seront communiquées prochainement ainsi que le lieu du Meetup.
Free Webinar: Asynchronous MongoDB with Python and Tornado - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris MongoDB User Group
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis will review the state of the art for asynchronous Python and MongoDB, discuss his experimental driver for MongoDB and Tornado, and demonstrate building a real-time web app.Sign up here
July get-together - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Media & Internet Professionals
Dear All,Good news: we shall soon be back from our telekinetic expedition to planet Mars ? in a little less than two weeks, according to our ground team in Houston.We know that some of you have been experiencing some clear withdrawal symptoms over the last few months, not having their regular fix of get-togethers. Sorry for this. But a return trip to Mars is a return trip to Mars: it takes a while.
Windows 8 FTW! - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Top Regional Director, MVP and Speaker Gill Cleeren heads over from Belgium to enlighten us on Windows 8 and XAML! :)Please note this will be a 2 hour session, as opposed to our normal 1.5 hour sessions
Real world ASP.NET MVC 4 - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Local all round good Guy Harvey Kandola drops by the user group to share his experiences and secrets of running a successful start up with a first rate product.They'll be Pizza, Swag and a nugget, come join us!
Poking around EF5 - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Geoff Lombardi head down South away from the rain and gloom on Birmingham to bask in the sunshine on the South Coast.Geoff will be taking us through the new features of the Entity Framework, and showing us what's what.There'll be Pizza, Swag, and hopefully a nugget!
Prochaine conférence sur le thème de la 3D - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Android Paris User Group
Les choses bougent beaucoup en ce moment, après l'anniversaire du PAUG en ce début de mois, nous vous annonçons une nouvelle conférence pour ce Jeudi 24 Mai 2012.Cette soirée sera sous le thème de la 3D, deux conférences au menu, des intervenants de ID Apps et de Diotasoft.Contenu & intervenantsDiotasoft
Soirée TDD en pratique - rencontre mensuelle Software Craftsmanship - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris Software Craftsmanship Community
Jeudi 24 Mai, rencontre spéciale TDD de votre communauté Software Craftsmanship Paris : amenez vos portables (un pour deux), et pairez avec un autre apprenti craftsman pour pratiquer TDD sur un kata ou un sur vrai sujet réduit pour tenir en temps limité.N'hésitez pas à amener vos idées de sujets, katas voire même vos séquences de tests prédéfinies.
Soirée Alt.Net Mai - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Alt.Net France
Veuillez réserver la soirée du 24!Le format sera de 2/3 sessions de 30 min + discussions. Au programme: WCF Async Queryable Services, Le NoSQL au service de l?incrémental+guestsCette soirée sera un peu différente de d'habitude car nous avons voulu changer un peu les formats. Nous allons essayer de faire plusieurs présentations plus courtes au lieu d'une seule grosse. Cela permettra de dynamiser un peu les choses et de laisser plus de place aux échanges.
1 an du Paris Android User Group : Apéro Android - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Android Paris User Group
Retrouvez le PAUG pour fêter ses 1 an autour d'un verre !Le mercredi 2 mai après le barcamp que nous organisons, nous nous retrouverons à proximité de l'ECE pour un Apéro Android à ne pas rater.Plus d'infos
Rencontre n°1 : en partenariat avec l'apéro du Founder Institute - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Co-founders Paris
Rencontre entre co-founders Paris et avec les anciens et les nouveaux arrivants du Founder Institute Paris.Table ronde sur le thème: "Comment obtenir des subventions pour sa startup. Quelles aides et subventions sont disponibles? Comment les demander?" avec:- Sylvain Poisson de Sogedev- Claude de Loupy, CEO de SyllabsPitchs de startups avec des prix offerts par:- Mutinerie : offre 3 mois d'abonnement dans son espace de coworking
Distributed Version Control - - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Distributed version control systems have seen a great rise in popularity in recent years, but not all developers have had a chance to try them out. Maybe you're wondering what all the fuss is about, or have given it a go and found it too confusing. In this session I'll explain in simple terms what a DVCS is and why you want to use one. Whether you are a lone developer, an open source contributor, or working in a large team on a commercial product, I'll show the benefits DVCS can bring to your.
Rencontre Paris GTUG : Android - Google App Engine - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris GTUG - Google Tech User Group
Au programme (début à 18h45) :- session Android avec Romain Guy :* Les outils utiles aux développeurs Android (y compris des outils méconnus du SDK, et ceux utilisés chez Google pour débugger et optimiser la plateforme)* Q&A sur Android- session Google App Engine avec Ludovic Champenois :* Les nouveautes sur le runtime Java de Google App Engine* Q&A sur Google App EngineMerci à l'ECE et l'association iTeam de nous accueillir !Date : Mardi 17 Avril 18h45
Drink & Drupal Toulouse - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Drupal France et Francophonie
Comme d'habitude, parler de Drupal en luttant contre la déshydratation.Possible qu'il soit intéressant d'échanger autour des annonces éventuelles du DrupalCon qui aura eu lieu la semaine d'avant.UPDATE : possibilité qu'on se fasse un 2ème DnD enchaîné pour ceux qui pourront le lundi 02/04 en raison de la présence exceptionnelle sur Toulouse de Laetitia Debruyne de la communaté lyonnaise (DC Lyon !). A suivre
The many tongues of MVC - SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Top chap, and all round ice guy Guy Smith-Ferrier heads down to sunny Southampton to talk about his one true passion, Origami. No, not really, it is in fact Internationalisation! Guy will show us how to internalise an MVC application.There'll might be a nugget, but there'll definitely be Pizza and Swag!
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