Training & Events in Adelaide, Australia
Meetup #10: Continuous Integration - Adelaide, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Adelaide.rb Meetup Group
Continuous Integration (CI) (as far as I know) is about having your test suites and other processes continually run as code is added to your repository so as to ensure that you know as soon as any code submitted breaks your project. It can also measure other things such as code coverage.Various people will talk about their CI tools and discuss how they use them.So far people have indicated they can present on:* Hudson (and it's fork Jenkins)* Travis CI* Bamboo (perhaps)
Meetup #9: Ruby Version Manager (and rbenv) - Adelaide, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Adelaide.rb Meetup Group
RVM is becoming an essential part of the Rubyists toolkit. Anthony Richardson will tell us why at Meeting 9.
Meeting #8: Introduction to EngineYard - Adelaide, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Adelaide.rb Meetup Group
EngineYard is one of the hot new players in the Rails hosting world and it probably pays to know its ins and outs if your a professional Rails dev.Daniel Draper, of CodeFire will be doing a talk on getting an App deployed, custom chef recipes and adding New Relic for performance monitoring.
Practise Your Negotiation Skills Workshop (free) - Adelaide, Australia
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Adelaide Startup Club Entrepreneur Business Networking Group
N.B. We are moving everyone from MEETUP (60 members) to our Facebook group (520 members) so make sure you join it here! NEW EVENT: There's no better feeling than reaching a fantastic mutually beneficial WIN WIN between you and another business partner. Whether it be a job interview, a new contract, a shareholder meeting or defusing a family argument, NEGOTIATION is an essential and very valuable skill.
Startup Club Small Business Networking Official Launch Party - Adelaide, Australia
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Adelaide Startup Club Entrepreneur Business Networking Group
Q: What happens *9 MONTHS* after three chronically addicted entrepreneurs decide to share their passion for small business and life success with the world?A: The Startup Club networking group is officially born (Ouch, 400 members weigh around 28 tonnes. Pass me the epidural!!).... and an official launch party is held Wednesday July 1st!Already been some events? Appreciate the club? COME CELEBRATE!Curious about the club? What's this all about? COME LEARN!
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