Training & Events in Perth, Australia
Test Invaders! - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
?Continuously Invading Invaders?An interactive crash course focusing on fast feedback, test-driven development, incremental delivery, and automated deployment. In this hands-on activity, Continuous Delivery will be demonstrated via a classic favourite, ?Space Invaders?.There is something for everybody! *Technical participants will pair to incrementally fix, improve and customise the game; maintaining working, tested software as it evolves.
August Meetup - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
We may have an interstate presenter for August - more details when this is confirmed.
Agility@Scale: IBMs Journey of Agile Transformation - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Come here Kurt Solarte talk about IBM's transformation journey to Agile:Many large organisations desire to adopt Agile development methodologies as a means of delivering software to customers and internal stakeholders more quickly and efficiently in bite-sized increments. However, large projects can pose significant challenges to agility. IBM Software Group, with almost 30,000 engineers in 84 locations, started its Agile transformation in 2006.
UX and the Agile - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
At this meet-up we would like to deep dive into the world UX and how it is becoming part of (or should it?) the Agile Landscape. It is commonly called out as Continuous Design in some parts of the industry and integrates with the concept of Continuous Delivery & Integration.Currently this is planned to be a discussion format.
DCI - Another spanner in your code design toolbox. - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Ray Grasso, Senior Developer at ThoughtWorks, proudly presents:"DCI - Another spanner in your code design toolbox."There are many tools at a developer's disposal for decomposing their systems down into easily understandable and maintainable pieces.In this meetup we'll take a look at a design approach called Data, Context, and Interaction. DCI is a way of thinking about the objects in your system and how they interact.
Agile Australia Review - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Let's share our thoughts on Agile Australia 2012 conference held recently in May.Some of you attended the conference in Melbourne 3 weeks ago and we thought it would be good to run a retrospective style meet-up to uncover your thoughts on how it was and any findings.It would be greatly appreciated to hear from those that attended the event and share your views with the group.
WWDC Keynote - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
For those of us aren't in Moscone West this week, we'll catch up and watch the Timnote, have beers & popcorn, and offer insightful critique & discourse. Or something.Don't forget to wear the Sensory Deprivator 5000 all day Tuesday for full effect.
Agile Project Management (+bonus session) - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Come along and hear hear the Winner of UK Best Agile Coach/Mentor 2011 Awards () Dot Tudor speak about Agile Project Management.What can I expect from this meet up?Agile Leadership and which styles of leadership are best suited to Agile projects. Leadership is all about synergy, while management is about control. To manage an Agile project, one needs both leadership and management skills to bring about the expected change and business benefit.
Data Access - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
Dave's going to take us through pseudo-ORMs, RestKit & Core Data.
Dependency Managers - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
An area where the Cocoa/Cocoa Touch frameworks have been lagging other toolsets is dependency management (think RubyGems or NuGet). A couple of attempts have popped up recently in CocoaPods and VendorKit. We'll do a technology demo on one or both of these - if anyone's used them before, feel free to volunteer.
Coffee & Code - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
We'll try another Saturday Coffee & Code - at least it's not a long weekend this time.The format is the same - we meet at a cafe, bring laptops, ask questions, and generally try to get some coding done. Beginners are more than welcome - some of us will be on hand to help out & answer any questions.Cafe suggestions are welcome - maybe one we haven't done before?
Business Analyst role in Agile - Deep Dive! - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
What does a Business Analyst really do in an Agile Team?
Agile Research - Tiger Teams and Other Explorations - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth Agile Meetup Group
A discussion around how we do research to support development and how this differs from normal development. Are research tasks something that get scheduled as normal tasks in a sprint? Do they need timeboxing more rigorously and what happens when the answer that comes out of the box is "I dunno". How do you constrain sloppy prototypes and code from playing with technologies from seeping into the main code base. Should you worry about this?
Agile Anonymous - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
I'm Agile (well trying) and I have a problem!You're not alone! There are those days when Agile just doesn't seem to work like you dreamed and the books just don't answer your questions. Well come to this meet-up for some group therapy! Inspired by an idea from Agile Perth members, this interactive and informative session is all about sharing these real "on the ground" challenges and learning how others in the group including a number of experienced coaches and practitioners, have tackled the
App Marketing - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
If there's one things that developers do poorly, it's sales & marketing. I'll organise some "experts" (probably self-proclaimed ones) to go through some of the basics for us.
What does Agile, Lean and Systems Thinking have in common? - Kings Park, Australia
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Are these the same thing or are they different, we will explore these areas and how they are affecting the industry.
Software Development Techniques - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Presentation and discussion on Software Development Techniques use in Agile Teams
Objective-C - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
A closer look at some new/useful/non-obvious language features. There were a few questions about ARC at the last meetup so we'll try to cover it as well.
Coaching - Learning stories from the trenches - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
This meet-up will be a panel style Q&A night. We have assembled a panel of coaches of varying background and together have coached Agile Teams in Perth and abroad.This should be a fun night to find out more on what it is like to coach and be coached when moving into an Agile environment.Panelists:- Sarah McAllister: Sarah is originally from UK and has been working with Bankwest for over a year in a Senior Agile Coach role.
Game Engines - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
I know nothing about these things. Hopefully someone else does.
Jobsmas Meetup - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
Ah, late December, the time of year we traditionally exchange politically correct linguistic contortions that avoid naming religious holidays. I shall dub ours 'Jobsmas'; we shall get together and sing 'Twas the night before WWDC', 'O Little Town of Cupertino' and 'Orientation Lock Night'; we shall imbibe of the holy liquid. We've had a suggestion to get five or six people to do short demos of their favourite third-party iOS library.
Christmas Pub Crawl - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Oceania
Sutto is organising locations. We moved it from Thursday to Friday, so hopefully you can all make it.
Global Day of Coderetreat - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
If you're a developer this is a day for you!Some of you may know Corey Haines who travels the world helping developers get better at what they do...write better code!!Myself and Ian Sutton will help run a community, language neutral day event, in-conjunction with the rest of the world (Starting in Sydney ending in Hawaii) ! I did this in a workshop that Corey ran a year ago in Brisbane as part of the YOW! conference and found it a great day to learn about coding regardless of language.
Prototyping - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
Prototyping is an essential step to coming up with a good app design. What are the best tools & techniques to do this?
Beret-Wearing and Latté-Sipping - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
The idea is that this will be an alternative Coffee & Code session that's more focused on design - I'll bring a stack of paper and we can all collaborate on UI ideas for your current project. All beret-wearing, latté-sipping designers are welcome. Bonus points if anyone does actually wear a beret.Suggestions for beret-tolerant cafés are welcome.
INCEPTIONS (not the movie!) - A way to start an Agile Project or Team! - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Want to run a project or start a new team using Agile?Where do you start?Some call these Inceptions, Quick Starts or a Discovery. Find out how you can get a team up and running quickly, get everyone thinking about the same goals even get an idea of how long a project might take and associated costs.
The Cloud™ - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
The Cloud.iCloud, DropBox, S3 - what does it all mean, Basil?In this day & age of connectedness, how do you get your app, well, connected? And not re-invent the wheel while you're at it? CulturedCode, cough>I'm scheduling for October in the hope that iOS5/iCloud is no longer under NDA by then. If anyone has some area of expertise (client or server-side) or experiences they want to share in getting an app fully cloud-buzzword-compliant, let me know.Also, CHOGM Eve party!
Agile and Lean - how do they fit together? - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
Charlie Wilkins (from Bankwest) will host an introduction to Lean and then with the help of a panel explore what lean means in the context of agile software development.From Charlie: Agile and Lean have a lot in common, but are they the same thing? This will be a joint session between Lean-Perth and Agile-Perth to examine their shared and differentiating features. Format will be a short overview of Lean, then a robust discussion amongst the audience and selected Lean and Agile experts.
YOW! Night Perth with Dave Thomas - Perth, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Agile Alliance Australia - Perth Chapter
In recognition of the importance of active software professionals who always seek improvement - YOW! Australia in cooperation with ThoughtWorks, Sensis, Readify and your local user groups is pleased to invite you to join us Weds 28th Sept for a YOW! Night in Perth. Hear great YOW! speakers and network with other software professionals.For more details and to RSVP: Doors open - pizza & drinks (courtesy of Thoughtworks).5.30pm Presentation #1
User Interaction Design - Kings Park, Australia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Perth iOS Developers
I'm just going to throw this one out there in the hope that we have some UI designers lurking. UI/UX tends to be a bit of a black art to many developers and it would be good have someone take us through the basics.
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