APN Auckland decided to get with the times and start up a meetup group for the Auckland region. We have regular get togethers throughout the year on Agile topics and thought using the Meetup website a great way to keep in touch and allow people to know whats happening and join in on the fun. All those interested in Agile software development, Agile Project Management or anything Agile should join up and get involved. We would love to hear from your experiences using Agile techniques - both good and bad.
Agile Auckland
Events coming up
We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.
Past events
Joe Justice from WIKISPEED - building an Open-Source car using Agile Techniques
Wed, 14 Nov 2012, 04:30 - 07:30 in Auckland, New Zealand
Joe Justice was a keynote speaker at Agile 2012 in Texas this year and has kindly agreed to speak at Agile Auckland in November when he is back for a fleeting 2 week visit to NZ.Joe loves to talk about WIKISPEEED, the first automotive manufacturer to use Agile methods.Watch Joe's TEDx Talk to get to know more: special thanks goes to Tait Radio in Christchurch who are so friendly to "lend" us Joe to make this event possible.Please note
APN Lightning Talks
Wed, 18 Jul 2012, 05:15 - 08:15 in Auckland, New Zealand
Hi everyone,We're pleased to announce the first in our series of Lightning Talks: where we showcase homegrown case studies and learnings from our members. The speakers vary widely in terms of experience and expertise, but under the principles of Agile - I'm sure we'll all enjoy hearing about a variety of perspectives and real life experiences!Each speaker will have 20 minutes for their presentation.
Engaging new starters with Agile
Thu, 21 Jun 2012, 05:00 - 08:00 in Auckland, New Zealand
Engaging people with a new process ? helping them to understand what it will mean for themAre you introducing change in an organization? Are you working with a team ?going agile?? Early on, people are trying to figure out how it will impact them in their role and if they have the skills required. Just as importantly, they also need to know the mechanics of the process including what meetings and when, with who, and for what outcomes.
APN Event: Is the Military Agile?
Wed, 15 Feb 2012, 04:00 - 06:00 in Auckland, New Zealand
Agile AucklandThis month we have a speaker Bruce Keightley, Certified Scrum Master, and Scrum Product Owner joining us from Christchurch. Bruce has given this talk at the Christchurch network where is was well received.**Is the military Agile?**Military personnel - short hair, disciplined, trained to follow orders, regimented in their thinking and their actions ... or are they?
Carlton Nettleton: Removing Scrum Impediments with Drawings
Thu, 29 Sep 2011, 04:00 - 06:00 in Auckland, New Zealand
This month we have a speaker all the way from San Diego, bringing us new ideas from the Agile community abroad.**Removing Impediments with Drawings**Pictures convey ideas more clearly and have a greater impact than a simple conversation. The ability to communicate, and perhaps sell, your ideas at a whiteboard is an essential skill for anyone on an Agile team.
Agile Tuesday - 13 September
Tue, 13 Sep 2011, 05:00 - 07:00 in Auckland, New Zealand
We have a monthly meetup on the second Tuesday of each month where we tell stories, compare experiences, share insights, vent, rant, and dream. And we meet in a pub to aid the free flow of conversation :)."Agile Tuesdays" is all about Agile and sharing your experience! We love Agile of all flavours. Whether you use Scrum, Kanban, XP, or your own magic creation – you’re welcome!
Let's discuss what we want out of the Group.
Wed, 27 Apr 2011, 06:00 - 08:00 in Auckland, New Zealand
***Just putting this on hold for a bit until we decide if Meetups will be the way to go for the APN - hold out for a little longer for the first unofficial meetup***Hi everyone that has joined up to this group so far, I hope more will soon as we let all the others know about this new site for organising meetups.Lets get together in an informal time to get to know those that we may have not met before and discuss how we want to use this group going forward (before end of March)
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