DC-Area SproutCore Meetup

Join us and meet other SproutCore and JavaScript developers to share knowledge, review the state of the art, and dream up new applications. SproutCore is an HTML5 application framework for building responsive, desktop-caliber apps in any modern web browser, without plugins. SproutCore works by doing the only thing that can truly eliminate the latency problem: it moves your business logic to the client. SproutCore applications are full-fledged programs, written in JavaScript. That JavaScript executes in your user’s browser, freeing up your servers (and server engineers) to focus on what’s most important in a cloud application: delivering users’ data as quickly and reliably as possible.

Events coming up

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Past events

  • Inaugural DC-area SproutCore Meetup

    20-21 Apr 2011 in Arlington, United States

    Join Us!Join us for our first DC-area SproutCore meetup and learn about SproutCore: a Rich Internet Application framework for building desktop and mobile apps in any modern web browser using JavaScript and HTML5. We'll start with a brief introduction to what SproutCore is followed by a more in-depth look at the future of SproutCore, presented by SproutCore Core Team member Evin Grano.You'll find us in Conference Room 2 at NRECA (only a block from the Ballston metro station)

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.” - Steve Taylor