Adelaide Startup Club Entrepreneur Business Networking Group

The Startup Club Adelaide is a group of 300+ highly motivated entrepreneurs, technologists and future thinking professionals.

JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP (we don't use meetup much) and check out our website for more information.

We meet face to face once a fortnight to discuss small business strategy, creative marketing, investing and general success over lunch and a beer.

We have a wide range of members from online community strategists and fashion designers to accountants, politicians and chocolate makers!

Come to a 'Startup Club' meeting for fun, intelligent, high-energy discussions with a helpful and intelligent focus. Everyone is welcome (no experience or background is required) and there is no set agenda. Just join in and have some fun!

You will love the Adelaide Startup Club if this sounds like you: - young, motivated, passionate and proud of it - enjoy intelligent fast paced conversation and discussion - interested in small business, entrepreneurship, marketing etc - interested in technology, internet, programming, web 2.0 etc - interested in building wealth, money management, investing etc - interested in networking and building professional skills, getting a promotion - appreciate a fun, casual and collaborative atmosphere

The Startup Club was co-founded by

Geoffrey Kwitko creative business/internet strategy

Chris Hooper accounting & financial strategy

James Govan creative entrepreneurship

Events coming up

We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.

Past events

  • Practise Your Negotiation Skills Workshop (free)

    Tue, 20 Oct 2009, 07:00 - 09:00 in Adelaide, Australia

    N.B. We are moving everyone from MEETUP (60 members) to our Facebook group (520 members) so make sure you join it here! NEW EVENT: There's no better feeling than reaching a fantastic mutually beneficial WIN WIN between you and another business partner. Whether it be a job interview, a new contract, a shareholder meeting or defusing a family argument, NEGOTIATION is an essential and very valuable skill.

  • Startup Club Small Business Networking Official Launch Party

    Wed, 1 Jul 2009, 08:00 - 10:00 in Adelaide, Australia

    Q: What happens *9 MONTHS* after three chronically addicted entrepreneurs decide to share their passion for small business and life success with the world?A: The Startup Club networking group is officially born (Ouch, 400 members weigh around 28 tonnes. Pass me the epidural!!).... and an official launch party is held Wednesday July 1st!Already been some events? Appreciate the club? COME CELEBRATE!Curious about the club? What's this all about? COME LEARN!

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Why not write for us? Or you could submit an event or a user group in your area. Alternatively just tell us what you think!

Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses” - Bjarne Stroustrup