Portland Oregon Selenium Users Group

The PDX Selenium Meetup is a group for Selenium Test Automation users of all skill levels to come together to communicate, learn, network, or just have a good time. Our focus is in Selenium ( http://seleniumhq.org/ ) and topics extend through related areas of interest, such as Agile testing, Test-Driven Development, Mobile Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, building maintainable automated test scripts and much more.

Events coming up

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Past events

  • Agile Testing Open Northwest

    Thu, 11 Oct 2012, 15:30 - 18:30 in Portland, United States

    We are super excited to say this event is going to happen!  Portland Selenium Meetup has been working with many other tech orgs in the Portland area to put together a day long open space conference on Agile Testing, which we all know needs to include a lot of automation!YOU HAVE TO REGISTER AT THE LINK BELOW RSVP here as well so PDX Selenium can represent in force!Ward Cunningham inventor of the Wiki & extreme innovator said he wouldn't miss it and put it on his calendar!

  • Beyond the Page Object Pattern

    Fri, 22 Jun 2012, 01:00 - 03:00 in Portland, United States

    I would love to present and share my ideas around how to go beyond the Page Object Pattern to increase maintainability, stability and performance of Selenium automation. Specific topics could include the importance of an abstraction layer between your page objects and selenium itself, some things you can do in that abstraction layer to handle or work around some (in my opinion)

  • Of The Infinite Ways To Use Selenium, Whats Your Implementation?

    Fri, 18 May 2012, 01:00 - 03:00 in Portland, United States

    There are a countless number of ways to implement Selenium, each are tailored to the needs of the application under test.At the last meetup it was suggested that we can have several mini hands on demos, with Q&A and discussion. Any volunteers?3 Presentations, each with:10 min of Demo10 min of Q&A, Discussion

  • Writing Selenium 2.0 WebDriver scripts like a Pro!

    Fri, 20 Apr 2012, 01:00 - 03:00 in Portland, United States

    Writing Selenium 2.0 WebDriver scripts like a Pro!Presented by Paul Grandjean Lead QA EngineerAgenda6:00-6:30 Network/Meet & Greet6:30-7:30 PresentationOutline- Problems with maintainability of existing test suites- Introduction to the Page Object design pattern.- Benefits of using this pattern.- A couple of simple examples of Page Objects- The Page Factory for initialization and eliminating findElement() calls.- Examples using the Page Factory

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“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” - Rich Cook