API Programming Series #2

Declaring API functions

As discussed in Article #1, the API functions are declared in DLLs located in the Windows System directory. You can type in the declaration of an API just as you do with any other function exported from a DLL, but VB has provided an easier way to do it - it is called the API Text Viewer. This was available as a standalone application in VB5. In VB6 this can be run as a standalone app or as an addin.

To have some API declared in your project, just launch API Text Viewer, open Win32Api.txt (or .MDB if you have converted it into a database to speed it up), choose Declares, find the function, and click Add and then Copy.

Go to your project and paste it in. Do the same to have a predefined constant or type. This saves quite lot of typing. Also it eliminates the errors caused due to mistyping.

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