Advanced Visual Basic 6

Advanced Visual Basic 6
Matthew Curland
23 Jul 2000
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In Advanced Visual Basic 6, leading Visual Basic expert Matthew Curland demonstrates powerhouse techniques programmers can use to write high-performance, robust, and reusable VB code. Reade...

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Customer Reviews

Ubach Ronald said
En la categoria avanzado de visual basic 6, es un excelente libro, tiene todos esos tips que cuesta conseguir, manejo de performance a bajo nivel, trucos de desarrollo, etc... Por donde lo mires es un excelente libro.

James Albert Gant said
This book is useless without the CDROM, which is not included!

C. J. Cooney said
Yes, I didn't read very carefully -- this is just the book, no CD. No idea of the source of this stupidity. Nor do a see a lower price.

ws__ said
This book even surpasses the possibilities of McKinley's "Hardcore Visual Basic". You almost gain the power of C/C++ type Windows and COM programming.
This book is not easy to read. You do need a C level expertise on Windows' and COM's inner working. Though no ATL or MFC is required.
I did learn a lot of the apparently strange behavior of VB. It is now clearer to me. But should you really apply those grandiose tricks. (For proper clean up purposes you should not hit the stop button anymore.) The answer is the same as for optimization. Don't do it! But if I am really in need? Don't do it! ... After at least ten iterations including solid peer review you might try it. The author makes it pretty easy. (...)
Is this book still relevant after the advent of VS.Net? I think so yes. It is an intellectual joy to read this book. (Why couldn't I read it 1996?) We and many other institutions still write a lot of code in VB 6. Anyhow this probably was my last book on VB 6.

Book Reviewer said
I simply can't accept people give below 5 stars for this book - have they read it correctly / reviewed the same book???

It's BY FAR the best I've seen for the advanced user. Everything that you always wanted to do in VB - and it's here! It's an ABSOLUTE must for any serious programmer.

This book is on the same level of every VB programmers bible - Dan Appleman's Guide to the Win32 API - if that gives you an idea of how good it is.

I can't believe I haven't heard about this book before.

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